
~ archived since 2018 ~


Red Pill TheoryDo it all for yourself (self.TheRedPill)

submitted by TRP VanguardArchwinger

The large majority of information on The Red Pill focuses on behaviors, activities, traits, and ways to develop those traits, that do one very significant thing: Make you more attractive. If you read enough material without really delving into the details, that seems to be the primary focus of The Red Pill. Being attractive. Becoming more attractive. Attracting others. Staying attractive – more attractive than others. Passively keeping others aware of your attractiveness. Attractive this. Attractive that. Attraction.

But if you look just beneath the surface, The Red Pill is about something more. The Red Pill is about being happy. It’s really a collection of thoughts, essays, and theories about how to be happy as a man. Actually happy. Happy. Not just content, like a fat video game addict jerking off to porn and drinking beer. Not just not sad, like a henpecked married guy going through the motions. Happy. Successful, proud of your life, eager to wake up in the morning, confident about the future, happy.

Why all this focus on attraction, then? Because we don’t live alone on a private island. We interact with other people. Other people can help us be happier, or they can stand in our way. And the one thing all humans share is their love of things that are attractive. People treat attractive people better than they treat average or unattractive people. People help attractive people. People want to see attractive people succeed. People want to be friends with attractive people, latch on to them, enjoy the ride that is their life. People like attractive people.

Thinking about The Red Pill as a path toward becoming more attractive is a bit of a disservice. Because it makes The Red Pill sound like a song and dance. A show. Like something we’re doing to get noticed. And in many cases, especially for guys new to The Red Pill, that’s exactly the case.

A man will read a pile of material, and it will click. He’ll think to himself, “Holy shit! That’s the reason my marriage/LTR/dating life sucks. I’m barely a man. I need to lift weights, stop taking shit from people, start doing constructive and interesting hobbies, get an awesome job, and start doing manly shit around the house.” And he’ll start doing some of this, which is awesome!

But our example man misses a critical point. Women still shun him and his friends think he’s annoying. Because he struts around all day talking about how hard he’s working out, how healthy he’s eating, and makes sure everyone knows that he just built a deck himself and is currently rebuilding his transmission. After all, people are supposed to be attracted to masculine men who do this shit, right? But it doesn’t “work.” Everybody’s annoyed at him and thinks he’s an ass, and they still treat him like a loser.

A newcomer to The Red Pill is excited. He’s learning so much, doing so much, feeling so much better. He wants to talk about it. It’s interesting to him. Exciting. It’s hard to just shut up and do shit.

I started out this way. Every time I did something manly around the house, I’d tell my wife about it, because I wanted her to notice how I was changing, improving, and taking care of shit. It annoyed her. She laughed, minimized my efforts, never really thought much of it. Because I still wasn’t a man. I was a boy playing the role of a man. Every time I did something right, I’d run to my wife and tell her, eagerly seeking her approval and validation. She was still my mother, not my wife. But I had to, right? Because otherwise, she’d never even know about 99.9 percent of the things I did around the house! How the hell is she supposed to start respecting me when she doesn’t even know that I’ve become respectable? She won’t notice any of the awesome things I’m doing if I don’t’ tell her! I’ll just be doing manly shit, and she’ll keep being the same disrespectful bitch because she doesn’t know!

And there’s the problem. A man who’s doing that shit for others, hoping to impress them, is a slave. A monkey. A clown. An entertainer trying to dance and put on a show, hoping for the support and validation of his audience. Nobody has sex with clowns. Nobody hires and promotes clowns. Nobody wants to see a clown succeed.

The huge majority of your awesome life is going to be completely invisible to everyone. Nobody will notice 99 percent of what you do. You can have your ducks in a row, your shit in gear, and your life can be awesome, and nobody will know about 99 percent of that except for you.

So if doing awesome shit isn’t going to impress anybody, why do it? Stupid question. You do it because being awesome its own reward. Being awesome changes you. It changes your walk, your talk, and how you perceive the world. It changes what’s important to you. Being awesome won’t make everybody love you. 99.9 percent of the world won’t even know you’re awesome. But being awesome will make you confident enough to not care, because you know you have your shit together. You’re happy with your life, eager to get up in the morning, and confident about the future.

That girl across the bar? She doesn’t know you’re awesome. But you do. You know you can walk over to her, talk to her, and spark her interest, and if she’s a bitch, then you talk to that other girl four seats over instead. You know they’re just women, and sex is just sex, and you have a great life with or without them. And when you talk to them, it won’t be about how awesome you are. You won’t tell them shit about your life. That would be unattractive anyway. You just use them for your entertainment, shoot your mouth off, and take charge of your own happiness. It’s not your job to entertain them or make them happy. It’s your job to entertain and please yourself. And their job to do the same for themselves.

You’re never truly free until you abdicate all responsibility for anybody else’s happiness, and stop doing anything for anybody else. Nobody else cares if you’re happy. If you don’t take responsibility for your own happiness, nobody will. All of this lifting and self-improvement, and becoming more powerful, successful, manly, and what-not – that’s not something you do for girls. That’s something you do for you.

[–]tourdepook143 points144 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Excellent post /u/archwinger !

Who are the truly unhappy males? It is those who live for the women’s desire. These include the Nice Guys, the Players, and anyone who dresses, talks, and even puts their profession at what ‘women want’. These guys have no sense of self.

You are the focus of your world. Not the women. Instead of pissing away your youth trying to 'please' women, why not invest that time in yourself? Such a radical concept! How dare I speak blasphemy to our Female Goddesses the youth sacrifice their lives to.

Some guys look for a girlfriend as incentive for them to get a life, as someone to push them to get rich, and for someone to make themselves happy. These fools do not even know what women are. They think women are some type of GENIE that grants them wishes such as wealth, popularity, and happiness.

Look, it all comes down to this: Live your dreams or live other people's dreams. One path is HARD. The other path is EASY. One path leads to SECURITY. The other path leads to FREEDOM.

[–]laere5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Man this was me last year before finding TRP. I met a girl who I thought was a "unciorn." It motivated me to read, become interesting, get in shape etc, all to seem attractive and impressive (big mistake). I caught oneitis, and got rejected. Afterwards I fell into a downward spiral for months; gained weight, constant drinking, never wanted to do anything or go anywhere. I used to have the mindset of "having a girlfriend will truly make me happy." as if it was the only thing to fill the void I felt inside myself. I would envy guys I saw with girlfriends, and wish that was me.

However, after finding this sub and reading a lot of the recommended books, I just stopped giving a shit and stopped feeling sorry for myself. Picked up the pieces and am working towards someone I want to be for me. I completely changed my perception on relationships and what I really want out of life.

Posts like this keep the fire alive, much appreciated.

[–]reigorius0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Both parts start out very hard. One sucks all the way through, the other starts to suck less by each step you take. But it's hard till the end.

[–][deleted] 33 points33 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Same here internalizing takes tine. You also have to get used to your new you. Once you do, you start seing more things and details that were overlooked before. I could say it's because of the shock of the change and part of it is because as a society we are moving towards "ultimate" protection.

You are conditioned not to change and just stay in your confort zone. Nothing should be bothering you, and when you actually go ahead and start making changes you come over thos novelty shock.

The good thing is that once you go through more of such shocks you get used to it and you become more assertive of them and in more control.

You can start modelling yourself easier and naturally. It still is hard and require work, but knowing that does not get you down, you just know that work has to be done.

That somehow elibarates you and gives you a purpose in itself. And the good thing is that you will keep improving all your life. The best thing is to look back and see the progress. I really really hate looking back and tell to myself that i was better in the past.(and smoking is one of these things about myself that i have to corrct - just to gove you an example )

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

It's always a good idea to keep your new found knowledge low key, and don't ram it down other people's throats (applies to philosophy, religion, politics, health, fitness, etc). Remember: Curb your enthusiasm!

[–]GraphThis1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I had this weird dynamic with my gf during out 4 year relationship. Any time I would get into a new hobby or interest she would immediately label me as that person.

Take a minor newb interest in 531 post starting strength? Attend a meet to learn things?

"Oh he's the powerlifter of the family, get him to move the fridge"

Buy a gun and start practicing at the range? Take Kali/Arnis and go to seminars once in a while for fun?

"I can see our kids knowing how to shoot and handle a knife before they're ten"

It goes on. Too many examples. I never openly talk to excess about any of my hobbies. I'm a newb at everything and never wanna come off as bragging.

It was frustrating but in the end I think it had to do with more her not knowing who I really am because I never let her in. Which left her desperate to label me any way possible in hopes of understanding me better.

[–]1MillionTinyHorses21 points22 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This. This is what trp is truly about. It is about shedding the veneer of external based validation to supplicate a weak sense of self. Living for one's self and deriving one's own happiness from within is really the most dominant and rewarding characteristic of all. To do this one must be fully aware of their autonomy and have a high enough self worth to not delude themselves of their shortcomings. When one lies to themselves it creates a cyclical motion in which there is no moving forward towards greater improvement. Be relentlessly honest with yourself. You owe it to you.

[–][deleted] 59 points60 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I learned this in a different way. My wrestling coach was somewhat like an uncle to me. Cocky as fuck and Impossible to please. Every time I'd hit a goal or do something awesome I rushed to tell someone. Generally, everyone would give me some kind of acknowledgement except him. "Is that good?" he would say or "do you want a cookie?". He'd always say you have to want it for yourself. What's funny is that is that I internalized this only because he kept saying it. I didn't truly realize how valuable this information was.

Later on the years I noticed a change in my behavior. everything I did was to please myself. I took bigger risks. Didn't care how it looked if my teammates who weren't quite as good caught me in a bad move. During track season I did a bunch of more advanced workouts. It didn't matter to me that people thought it was weird and I was an outcast for doing them. And you know what? I saw results. Crazy results. Before long, my track coach had me leading the team in workouts. My wrestling coach actually acknowledged my accomplishments. By then I realized that it didn't matter too much to me whether or not he did I was doing it for myself.

[–]suloco6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

How do I get there? I am very social person, natural but it comes at a price: I actually care what people who are important to me think about me. I have this fucking little bastard in my head poking me like: 'You sure they know how awesome you are doing now?'

'Shut up! They'll notice!'

'You're sure?'


'Atta boy.. run and tell everyone.'

I seriously hate this with passion. So hard to overcome though..

[–]laere3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I read about this a few times on this sub and in another, try the rubber band method to correct bad behavior. Wear a rubber band on your wrist, and if you're thinking of seeking validation, or mid-sentence of a validation seeking statement, snap the rubber band. This will train your mind to suppress such thoughts or expressions.

Internal validation is healthy, just the fact you know you're awesome is all that matters, going around and telling everyone just makes you look like your care too much about what everyone else thinks of you.

I used to have the nice guy syndrome where I'd try and please everyone, and made sure everyone liked me, but you reach a point in your life where that isn't feasible, and you just stop caring about how others think of you. Be awesome you, and show through actions, not through words. That's my take on it.

[–]Chet_Manly09870 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It might not be the most PC answer but you have to stop caring about them like you do. Stop seeing them as better than you. And start seeing yourself as more than compable to compete with them. Then be that.

[–]1jb_trp14 points15 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

This could be sidebar material. And I think learning this is an important part of TRP journey. I read "No More Mr. Nice Guy," and I noticed how often I would go around to all the women in my office and want to talk to them about things going on in my life. What did I want? Attention? Validation? Probably. I wanted these things because I was weak.

That has been slowly changing. I still have those tendencies... To want to talk to people so I can tell them about my diet, or progress in climbing, or whatever. It's like you're always killing the ghost of the beta you.

[–]openwaves4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I double that for the sidebar. This post builds on a higher plateau of manhood in red pill theory, and a great reminder to internalize what you do.

[–]1jb_trp6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Exactly. Did you read the post "Lifting is About More Than Pussy, It's a Philosophy" by /u/dr_warlock ? Dear. God. I felt like my gym routine yesterday was a religious experience. This is what TRP is about.

[–]openwaves5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I did, a fabulous essay. I came across that a while back and it changed my outlook on the whole gym and fitness.

Agreed - lifting is prayer for a man's healthy body.

[–]PandaMania32 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Same here. There was a time I wonder why I need to find people to talk about what I did.

Now when the idea surfaces to my mind, I side step and asked myself.

"Am I asking for Help? Or just Verbal diarrhea about what I've been doing?"

If it's the first, "is this person going to help me besides just listening? Or will he be able to make a difference?"

If the later, "I should just go read a book."

[–]throwawaymontreal210 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

too many ppl read no more mr nice guy as be a smug bastard with a shitty personality ... its actually more like stop trying to make ppl like you /girls like you and do you . if youre naturally a nice person, be nice but do it for yourself . not to get praise.

[–]lovethebottoms11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

A man who’s doing that shit for others, hoping to impress them, is a slave. A monkey. A clown. An entertainer trying to dance and put on a show, hoping for the support and validation of his audience. Nobody has sex with clowns. Nobody hires and promotes clowns. Nobody wants to see a clown succeed.

I belive this is the most important thing in the entire post , do shit because you like it , because it defines you - don't do it to impress people , you get OPPOSITE effect , they'll think even LESS of you (not that you give a fuck anyway , but you're basically a beta before he found trp - doing the opposite shit because you were told and taught to care about how others look at you is more important than what you actually are) : "look at that tryhard trying to look what he's not". Just don't give a fuck and live the way you want. Easier said then done , I know , but you have to start somewhere and becoming self-sufficient is one of the main things that contribute the the foundation of becoming a man.

[–]Antibuddy8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

So. Fucking. Spot. On.

And let's not forget the alternate effect of all this. Women will want to scratch the surface of you and see what's underneath. When they find all that awesome shit for themselves it catches them almost by surprise and you become a god in their eyes, as opposed to a child if you have to bring it to their attention first.

[–]Dro-16 points17 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

A newcomer to The Red Pill is excited. He’s learning so much, doing so much, feeling so much better. He wants to talk about it. It’s interesting to him. Exciting. It’s hard to just shut up and do shit.

Damn I thought I was already past that newcomer phase. I've been doing so much shit the past few months & have been feeling so much better & I just can't shut the fuck up. Thanks for making me realize why I've been being a bitch.

Excellent post.

[–]Fetish_Goth 19 points19 points [recovered] | Copy Link

There is a feeling of peace when at the gym and it's just guys, all silent and rotating around the weights and equipment one after the other. It's a silent rhythm. Men don't need to talk so much when everything is as it should be.

[–]Hitlers_Boss4 points5 points [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

Except for the dreaded... How many more sets do you have?

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I feel like I'm on the opposite of the spectrum. I see my life -- specifically my time -- as something so awesome and precious that I usually don't spend a lot of time/care on other people.

For instance, I usually won't have the patience to wait for someone when they're 15 minutes late. I won't compromise for "chilling together" with no solid plan when I could be spending time studying or lifting some heavy weights -- or hell, even getting some sleep in would be a better option than wasting time. And to them, I seem selfish, closed-off, and all. If they want a piece of me, they'll have to earn it.

I know I don't have a lot of close friends, but the ones that I do keep, I treasure.

[–]PandaMania32 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

After being onboard RP, People whom I respect are those who have fine control over their time and takes no bullshit from people whom just want to waste it.

An older friend of mine who has hs own sets of RP rules taught me one thing.

"If you have the energy and time to be involved in arguments or spend whining, you are wasting them."

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I do agree with him, and I know for certain that I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I rarely waste time waiting, or gossiping, or discussing superficial things with most people (even when they're my acquaintances).

It's just vapid. I could be having a deep conversation with my internal thoughts or by reading a book, rather than talking about stupid shit like who's dating who in my social circle.

Since I'm on the other end of the spectrum, I've been working on taking myself less seriously and just laughing/having fun even with people who I am not interested in. The way I see it is to extract as much fun from any situation I'm in, and just to give more people a chance into my life -- i.e. just to put myself out there in social situations to let them have a taste of me.

[–]1GreenPiller7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Remember that person that you loved so much that you would sacrifice anything to make her happy? Well make that person yourself and do whatever it takes to make yourself happy!

[–]usul16289 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Spot on post, as always. One trick I use to improve my own happiness at first was to analyze every decision I made. I asked, which choices will make me happy? And which choices work towards longer term goals? Then I only ever choose from these categories. If it doesn't make you happy or further your goals, just don't do it. I was inspired from Adam Carolla's mantra "will it make you happy? Will it make you money?" . This mindset changed things for the better before lifting, eating right or learning game had their effects.

[–]Endorsed Contributorredpillbanana4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

But if you look just beneath the surface, The Red Pill is about something more. The Red Pill is about being happy. It’s really a collection of thoughts, essays, and theories about how to be happy as a man.

This is an important point. I would add that TRP shows that you can take a different path to happiness that’s not the one that society tells you to take. No one owes you anything, but at the same time, you don’t owe anyone anything either, and you don’t have to follow some of these baseless social obligations - especially towards women (i.e. “romance”, chivalry, white-knighting, engagement ring, marriage, home in the suburbs, kids).

A newcomer to The Red Pill is excited.

The zeal of the convert.

The huge majority of your awesome life is going to be completely invisible to everyone. Nobody will notice 99 percent of what you do.

Another important point. Most of my friends have no idea what the rest of my life is like…but they get hints now and then, and the closer they are to me, the more hints they get. One of my friends who is married and in a dead bedroom came over for an extended visit and saw a fairly significant slice of my life - that inspired a long talk about how unhappy he was and I finally felt comfortable giving him some red pill pointers.

You’re never truly free until you abdicate all responsibility for anybody else’s happiness, and stop doing anything for anybody else. Nobody else cares if you’re happy. If you don’t take responsibility for your own happiness, nobody will. All of this lifting and self-improvement, and becoming more powerful, successful, manly, and what-not – that’s not something you do for girls. That’s something you do for you.

If you can absorb this message, you’ll be ahead of 99% of men.

There is a strange paradox: the more selfish you are in terms of defending your own interests, the more people will respect you and like you - if you can’t respect yourself, then why should others do so? There was a Humans of New York photo where one person said something like: I kept doing everything that my friends asked, so eventually they stopped asking and started telling me what to do. Do you think this person was loved and respected by his/her peers?

[–]Cruising742 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Excellent post.

Sums up the first 6 months of my Rp journey.

For all my choices now I ask myself 'what do I want?', 'how will this make me happier?', 'how will this get me to x goal?'

It's an amazing way to live after a life of thinking about others and what they're thinking.

[–]Ojisan12 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Do awesome shit… because being awesome is its own reward." - Archwinger

[–]FattestRabbit2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not just content, like a fat video game addict jerking off to porn and drinking beer.

This is the line that really clicked with me. To me, TRP is about leaving your [blue pill] comfort zone and not being satisfied with being content, which is a momentary feeling, not a stable mental state. There are two things men need to balance: happiness and fulfillment.

Happiness is that momentary pleasure: a steak dinner, a lady, a great beer, the look from a girl across the bar. These things make us happy.

Fulfillment comes from congruence in your life, which is one of the more nebulous things TRP advocates: lift, eat right, mind how you dress always, start and finish projects, speak less but say more. You don't work on these things to make you happy right now, you do them to maintain and expand the core of who you are as a man, the same core you go out and use to make yourself happy when you want to.

Men new to TRP see it as a way to make themselves happier. Those who take the time to really absorb the deeper lessons will also walk away more fulfilled.

[–]Blake555 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It sounds like Matthew 6:5

And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.

Thanks for writing that! It's good perspective for newbies! That has been my experience too, even though I am not vocal about much of what I do.

[–]FinallyRed1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The huge majority of your awesome life is going to be completely invisible to everyone. Nobody will notice 99 percent of what you do.

Honestly it's better that way anyway. Law 30: make your accomplishments seem effortless. People fixate on the accomplishments and not on the effort taken to earn them. Let them. If you can do such things so easily, then imagine what you could do if you really tried! The fantasy they construct will always be better than the real thing.

[–]ActuallyARaptor1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This should be stickied and upvoted all the way to heaven! Great post, excellent read. for newcomers and vets alike

[–]Myrpl1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This was such a quality post and a slap to my face. I keep reaching out to people, sharing my desires and progresses, and feel disheartened when I don't get validated for my motivation and goals.

With this post, you helped me more than I would ever imagine. Thank you! This must go to the sidebar!

[–]bluedrygrass1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sidebar material. This point is crucial, it really is the foundation, and is rarely talked compared to al the other topics.

[–]dannydavis1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I love this post. If it were up to me this would be in the sidebar.

[–]Senior Endorsed ContributorCopperFox3c3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

For too long, we've listened to women telling us how to be men (at least in modern society). But women have no more business telling a man how to be a man, then men have telling a woman how to be woman. Feminists will be the first to tell you the latter. But it goes both ways.

Not to say we shouldn't have standards for the opposite sex. But those standards start with ourselves - being the best we can be.

TRP is about men being men, defining themselves. Reclaiming who we were meant to be, who we were born to be. There is a certain joy in that, a certain freedom. But most importantly, it gives us purpose. And without purpose, what is life?

Nice post, btw.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

It is quite rare nowadays that a TRP article affects me as much as this one. I unplugged around 4 months ago and my life has taken a huge turn for the better in almost every facet. However, I have still had the feeling that I'm missing something and it is this point exactly. Thanks a lot for the post, I agree with the other guys that this would be ideal sidebar material.

[–]cmiovino1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm about 3-4 months and feel the same way. Massive improvements, but the feeling of something missing. My motivation is make myself look better/attractive towards others, not for this to be coming from the inside.

[–]REE93 3 points3 points [recovered] | Copy Link

A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.

[–]trpMilo1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Just to play devil's adovocate, isn't some of the reasoning in this post "Do it for yourself because other people don't like people who do things for validation. You'll get more validation if you stop wanting validation." And so you try to stop seeking validation, in the hopes that you find validation

[–]Neverd0wn0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Being awesome changes you. It changes your walk, your talk, and how you perceive the world.

But being awesome will make you confident enough to not care, because you know you have your shit together. You’re happy with your life, eager to get up in the morning, and confident about the future.

That girl across the bar? She doesn’t know you’re awesome. But you do. You know you can walk over to her, talk to her, and spark her interest, and if she’s a bitch, then you talk to that other girl four seats over instead.

And this is exactly what does make you attractive to her in the end, correct?

[–]rednukleus0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That was very beautiful. Thank you.

[–]megustaelgato0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Very wise. Thanks for this! I know it sound weird and we have this sub already, but you could write your own blog. Thanks for this by the way. I keep seeking validation at home and work. When all I had to do was satisfy myself and my needs! Just be happy and kind, but love myself first. Thanks again.

[–]Endorsed Contributorbalalasaurus0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Post saved. I'd advise the newbies to do the same. Thanks AW.

[–]Kharn00 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is the type of post this sub needs more of! I understand the need for harsh, sometimes even caustic language and also for venting anger, frustration or even de-humanizing people(betas, plates etc).

But this is what it all comes down to. Master your ship or be at the mercy of the currents.

[–]PandaMania30 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

And as this happens, you start to become more allergic to Bullshit from both genders always flood you with.

Besides cutting them off totally, any other RP guys here have a suggestion to tackle them? I'm not sure how Amused mastery can help to resolve the non stop barrage of bullshit at times.

Thou I am leaving the Nuclear button if all else fails.

[–]BramRhodesDouglas0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

/u/archwinger knows the crimson arts like the back of his hand.

[–]dandeezy0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


This is the message I saw on this sub and have kept me here and has attracted tens of thousands here. Feminists against this can eat a dick. Don't upvote me.

[–]I_have_secrets0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

What an absolutely incredible and insightful post. Great read and agree. This is about you and you alone, everything else will be an additional perk to what you have already achieved.


[–]movingmyeye0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank you for this post, I needed an adjustment. I've somewhat been kinda blue pill, running around like a slave and have been moving away from it gradually, keeping my achievements to myself unless it comes up.

Nobody else cares if you’re happy. If you don’t take responsibility for your own happiness, nobody will.

That’s something you do for you.

[–]lnoodle0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'd gild you if i could. Thank you sir, well written.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great post. Doing things for the validation/attraction of others is a win/lose strategy. Because no matter how cool and respect you gather, your not going to win everybody over. When you do things for yourself you are free. Because your improving as a man and not paying attention to the bs that doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if a women doesn't like you or doesn't respect you. What matters is that you respect yourself. When you do respect yourself and take responsibility for your life and how you feel about yourself then what's funny is that you end up spending more time with people with mutual respect and attraction. Because that's the only behavior you really care to be around. That's how you feel about yourself.

You can walk away from a women who isn't treating you the way you would like her to. You can forget dumb shit tests women throw your way because they are ridiculous.

You are on your own path and what other people do or don't do is on them. You got your own stuff that your responsible for. That you do have control over. The rest you don't and that's ok. Because trying to live for the approval of others is exhausting. It's manipulative. It's egotistical and doesn't help you grow.

[–]Master11760 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I logged in to respond to a troll, and by the time I did, the mods had deleted it. TRP is fucking awesome. Mods - great job! Keep this shit pure!

[–]Pineconescanclimb0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank you for posting this, I needed to understand my next step. Ive moved on to the point where I am doing awesome stuff but because I want others to see how awesome I am I have actually alienated people. For the reasons above and because by doing better myself it brings attention to the flaws of others. I got rid of FB on my phone as I found myself vying for likes and the attention of others. Thank you for showing me the next step that I need to take to turn myself into a respectable man.

[–]ankit09120 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You see, this post touches a particularly raw spot inside me. I was raised believing that the grades you get on a test are everything and hence the only thing which I cared for was marks and more marks. What this did was that every time I scored great marks, I'd come yipping back to my mother seeking her approval, which she'd only give if I had scored the highest. This resulted in a shell of a man called /u/ankit0912. Excellent post /u/archwinger, it highlights the reactions of most people who have been trained to view everything as a means of boosting their ego.

[–]Shaigan0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm printing it and hanging on my wall, gonna read it everytime before bed.

[–]CD_Johanna-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

99.9 percent of the world won’t even know you’re awesome.

If 0.1 percent of the world knew I was awesome, I'd be a happy man.

[–]cntthnko1-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Youre not gonna like this, but i have to do it. Since we are doing it for ourselves, we get to define "awesome."

If you define playing video games as awesome, it gives you the same feeling of satisfaction and confidence but people dont like that, find that annoying, and 99.9% people dont care and dont know of it...

And so if i can get the same effect from playing video games without all that work, why not just do that? I mean, if im doing it for myself, why bother being "awesome" enough for others to want to be around me and whatnot?

If worrying about others approval matters that little, then just play video games.

But we are doing it for approval, arent we...? Whether its vaguely defined and kept distant, deep down in our memory... Its the truth, all that we do is relative to how we are expected to behave in the world, every single little baby step to the specific motion of the elbow to the way something tastes, all that has occurred in the past of the universe had an impact on it, this very moment.

It all depends on what you want, thats the game, how you define your desires and how well you can accomplish them. Its pretty fucking obvious if you think about it.

The reason why buddhists are so happy is because they define their goals as whatever happens in the moment, thats the secret to happiness and satisfaction. When you meet a goal, whatever you feel, is because you are finally living in the moment and thinking it is the right moment, that you are doing the right thing.

Side: The buddhists take the easy way out, when they just give into what is happening and considering it right. Its the same satisfaction most other religious folks feel when they assume god is at work and that god is always right.

[–]Shadowmat-3 points-2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Awesome post from an Awesome man, I took notice and I assure you, I will go tell everyone I read an Awesome post from an Awesome man about an Awesome topic regarding the Awesome of Awesomeness.


[–][deleted] -6 points-6 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]TRP VanguardArchwinger[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hey, I don't make the rules. You get the behavior you incentivise.

The second women stop fucking aggressive assholes and start chasing passive, lanky computer nerds, the red pill will disappear. Or it will become a site all about becoming the skinniest, most passive nerd possible to maximize sexual opportunities. People will declare that acting nerdier than you are to manipulate women is rape and shun the red pill.

[–]Antibuddy4 points5 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, well you're wrong. You're listening to others to form your own opinion. You're 18. You don't know shit, man. And apparently you're lazy as fuck, too. Who are you to be judging anybody?

[–][deleted] 0 points0 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]MEpicLevelCheater[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You're banned, son. But drop us a line and let us know when your first pube comes in.

[–]abhi5555-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do you even know what the world actually looks like? (go and watch American sniper and than read the book)

It'll be better for you, if you take those rosy coloured glass of your face.

Dude, morality ends when the things are of control.

[–]abhi5555-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Dude, it's OK. It's not your fault. We get it, you're just 18. When the time is right(i.e once you've enough experience in regards with women), you'll understand what RP is all about.

For the time being, don't believe what you've been taught for past 1 decade(aka brainwashing that we get from mostly mothers and now a days this huge gynocentric media campaign). heck don't even believe RP'ers (but the loss will be yours in term of time(finite resource), dignity, finances and a brain so much conditioned, that it'll be beyond repairs, so YOU'VE BEEN WARNED) if you want, but as "a man" keep your eyes open.

Roger you're not the first guy who has chosen a wrong sides(trust me, I and plenty of my friends have done that. Nothing to be ashamed here, it's natural to do mistakes) and you certainly won't be last.

You'll soon be able to comprehend what RP is all about, once you've a firm grasp of your sexuality(aka your libido level).

RP'ers never hate women, we simply understand them better(you'll too, if you just look deep enough).

P.S. To everyone in this forum, who "ever" contributed, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.

You guys have no clue how much you've helped, "this man from india". You guys are source of strength for people like me, who always needed it.

With love and respect, please keep the good work going.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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