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RFID Chip Implant Propaganda Kicks Into High Gear

Relampago Furioso
November 1, 2017

This little chip, linked to mega mainframes by the Internet, will have the power to determine the totality of human existence on earth. Making this the planet of the damned.

The corrupt corporate-government complex is working overtime to crank out propaganda to make you think getting a chip implant is “cool” and “harmless” and that these chips are “simple.” Even Edward Bernays, the father of public relations (i.e. the lies, lies, lies the media and politicians sell to the public) would be impressed at the level of sophistry and deception in an article from The Guardian.

First comes the “cool” propaganda.

The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and usually inserted in the webbing between the thumb and forefinger using a needle the same thickness as used in body piercing.

It feels, says insertable technology expert Kayla Heffernan, like getting a drip.

Once the needle is removed the incision heals in a few days and the microchip remains, allowing the wearer to open doors with the brush of a hand â provided they only wish to access one particular place.

Wow! I can open a door with a chip rather than with a key? How amazing! Sign me up to be tracked like a farm animal by the leviathan state 24 hours a day. *sarcasm*

But, we have one taker. Of course, it’s an Anglobitch:

âIf I want I can just walk out without any keys, my key is in my hand so I canât forget it, which is handy because I have locked myself out before,â Heffernan says.

Well golly be jeez. Then there’s the “harmless” propaganda:

Commercially available insertable microchips are only large enough to hold one access code and a small amount of other information, so the days of replacing an entire wallet and keychain with a tiny computer under the skin are not yet upon us.

q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1250062586&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=thnemoma-20This is utter bullshit. Have these people seen how much information you can fit onto microchips these days? The answer is of course they have. This narrative that they’re “too simple to pose a risk” is a line of malarkey intended to lull to sleep the simpletons who might protest.

“No sweetie. Don’t worry. They can’t control all your bank accounts, credit cards, and know your life history. The chip doesn’t have enough memory.”

The truth: They can control all your bank accounts, credit cards, and know your life history by linking these feted chips up to a little thing called the Internet. An entire wallet could be replaced by simply encoding the chip with a Social Security number and a keychain could be replaced by the same type of chips found in most car keys.

And then there’s the “simple” propaganda, all in one stunning piece of yellow journalism.

The future is coming, but itâs not in a rush.

They even attempt to cite precedent of chips already in use on sheeple:

Insertable microchips made global headlines earlier this year when Stockholm firm Epicentre gave its staff the option of having an insertable chip in lieu of a swipe card. Three Square Market, a tech company in Wisconsin, followed suit.

The public relations flacks are hard at work trying to sell this crock to a wary populace, who have grown mistrustful of corrupt Western governments and the abusive corporate power structure.

Ten volunteers received a microchip at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image in Melbourne on Wednesday to mark the launch of Pause Fest, a technology and culture festival now in its eighth year.

Their chips were preloaded with a three-day pass to the festival and will be programmed to unlock the door to their home, gym, or workplace, or potentially to function as their public transport pass. When the festival is held in four months time, the volunteers will take part in a panel with Heffernan to talk about whether they found the chips useful.

The reality? This is a trade show aimed at selling chips to John and Jane Q. Public.

So, we know what establishment journo-whores think about the chip. It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread! Everything is just coming up roses! But what do readers of The Guardian think? Moonsphere replies:

The Guardian dreams of a locked-down state where human mammals are transported from place to place in self-driving metal cages to be scanned, chipped and injected in a spirit crushing existence.

There are many who will resist, but they too will be sold into slavery by unpaid gatekeepers and transhumanist fanatics. Those who still have spiritual beliefs will hold out longest, but many of these have already have succumbed to the Darwinistic world-view and might wake up atheist any given morning.

But a small group will take a stand and they will constitute the only hope when the Earth has been darkened and memories of human freedom have long faded away.

Followed by Mrs. Doom:

Abolish cash, instigate payment by microchip. Anyone who doesn’t want this doesn’t get the job. There you have it, a perfectly docile workforce and government control of the economy.

And STI Team:

Anyone who thinks this is a good idea… should just be shipped to an island ruled by sadistic wardens, and taken out of the general human population.

Insanity… but the evolution of smart phones and technology have been the perfect path to normalize turning every element of life towards living in a dynamic Panopticon.

Numapapi is on to the shitlib angle:

How many people who only eat organic, protest every factory opening and refuse to use antiperspirant because it has aluminum… will go for these? I bet more than you might think.

Vernon Masser also isn’t drinking the Kool Aid, as he echoes our own warnings:

“Under the skin: how insertable microchips could unlock the future.” I would add this phrase to the article’s title by-line….” of Government tracking of people’s personal movements and personal habits.” You think you have problems now? Wait until the government and the thousands of hackers are involved.

q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=161902912X&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=thnemoma-20TNMM has repeatedly reported on the dangers of the ongoing War on Cash and coming RFID chipping of the populace. (Both part of the same plan.) This dream of the globalists – one of total electronic control of the people – is a nightmare for the other 99% of the population subjugated to being implanted with these things like cattle.

If you think the police state, tax man, your asshole of a boss, and the micromanagers in corporate-government bureaucracy are bold and bad now, just wait until they control your entire life with these handy little chips. They’ll know everything you’ve ever said, everywhere you’ve ever gone, every penny you’ve ever spent and what you spent it on soon enough.

Without privacy, there is no freedom. Microchipping the population is part and parcel of The American Socialist Revolution, make no mistake about it. It seems America has gone rogue, abusing its role as the sole superpower left now that there is now balance of powers since the fall of the Russian attempt at Socialism/Communism. Now it’s our turn to try to implement this failed ideology electronically, only this time America is trying to sneak it in on the world.

The obvious takeaway from The Guardian’s propaganda puff piece is the agenda to sneak all this in, bit by bit, piece by piece. Here’s one outpost that’s telling you to wake the fuck up before it’s too late. This is dangerous territory, and electronic tyranny/slavery is a danger unlike the human race has ever seen before.

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Post Information
Title RFID Chip Implant Propaganda Kicks Into High Gear
Author Relampago Furioso
Date November 1, 2017 3:25 PM UTC (6 years ago)
Blog The New Modern Man
Archive Link
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