In this video, I’m going to explain the science of attraction between men and women by using the results of 5 different scientific studies.

I’m also going to help you understand how you can use the results of the studies to your advantage, so you can attract women more easily.

This video is mostly for the single guys who want to get laid or get a girlfriend, but I’m also going to be including some tips for guys who have a girlfriend or a wife and they want to attract her more to get some more action in their relationship.

So, let’s start with number 1…

1. Women are more willing to instantly accept an offer for a date, whereas men are more willing to instantly accept an offer for sex

Science of attraction: Gender differences in receptivity to sexual offers

Researchers Clark and Hartfield, both professors of psychology, led a study at the Florida State University where 5 women and 4 men approached 48 students from the opposite sex.

The physical attractiveness of both the male and female approachers ranged from slightly unattractive to moderately attractive. They were also college students.

Here’s what the approacher said whether they were a man or a woman, “I’ve been noticing your around campus. I find you to be very attractive.”

Scientific study into attraction at The Florida State University

Then, the approacher asked one of the following questions:

  1. Would you go out with me tonight?
  2. Would you come over to my apartment tonight?
  3. Would you go to bed with me tonight?

To the first question, “Would you go out with me tonight?” (that is considered a date), 56% percent of women said, “Yes,” and 50% of men said, “Yes.”

So, women actually agreed to that more.

When it came to the question of, “Would you come over to my apartment tonight?” 6% of women said, “Yes,” and 69% percent of men said, “Yes.”

With the final question, “Would you go to bed with me tonight?” 0% of women said, “Yes,” to that question whereas 75% of men agreed to sleep with a woman without actually knowing anything about her.

So, how can you use the results of that study to your advantage?

What you need to understand is that women do have sex, women enjoy sex and women want sex.

However, they go about getting to sex in a different way than men do.

Most women want to find out a little bit more about a guy before they open up to have sex with him.

One of the main reasons why is that for 99.9% of human history, there were no condoms and no contraceptive pill.

So, if a woman had sex with a man, she could get pregnant.

A man could then walk away and leave her to deal with raising the child on her own.

Only in recent times, which is less than 0.1% of human history, have men and women been able to have casual sex without worrying about a potential pregnancy.

Even though things have changed in recent times and men can wear a condom and a woman can take the pill, a woman’s attraction instincts haven’t changed.

She still feels an instinctive need to want to find out more about a guy before she opens up to kissing him or having sex with him.

This is why women are more inclined to instantly say, “Yes,” to an offer for a date and, “No,” to an upfront offer for sex.

Of course, that doesn’t mean a man can’t get to sex the first night he meets a woman or on the first date.

For example:

  • Data scientists from the UK surveyed 1,000 European and American men and women and found that 66% admitted to having a one night stand before.
  • The Student Beans Sex Survey in the UK found that 60% of students reported that they had a one night stand before.
  • A global survey by Durex condoms found that an average of 40% of women admitted to having had a one night stand compared to 47% of men. The number was higher or lower depending on the country. For example: Overall 50% for the USA, overall 64% for Sweden, overall 60% for Australia, 13% for India, 52% percent for Canada and 33% for Japan.
  • The Irish Times survey of 12,000 men and women found that 73% of men admitted to having had a one night stand compared to 66% percent of women.
  • Statistics gathering company, Statista, found that 58.1% of Americans admitted to having had a one night stand.

So, sex can and does happen quickly between men and women.

Women enjoy sex and they definitely do want to have sex.

However, they don’t want to have sex simply based on a random guy asking them for it.

In almost all cases, a woman needs to first interact with a guy, to feel attracted to who he is as a man.

She will then open up to kissing him, having sex with him or going on a date with him and eventually getting to sex.

Due to the difference between how men and women pursue sex, many men often end up feeling insecure about their attractiveness to women.

Many men go through life feeling instantly attracted to women and thinking of having sex with them, but they notice that women really aren’t reacting to them in that way.

What the guy doesn’t understand is that if he wants to get to the act of sex with a woman, he needs to be able to interact with her and make her feel attracted to his personality traits and behaviors.

For example: He’s being confident while he’s talking to her and she feels attracted to that.

He’s being charismatic, charming and making her laugh.

She can then feel attracted to who he is as a man and feel good about the idea of opening up to either giving him her phone number, or getting to a kiss, going on a date or getting to sex.

2. Women who take a contraceptive pill are more attracted to men with less masculine features

Women who take the contraceptive pill are more attracted to men with less masculine faces

In a study that was detailed in the Journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology, it was found that women who take the pill are more attracted to men who aren’t very manly looking.

In other words, men who don’t have a square jawline and who have a more of a rounded face.

Women who weren’t on the pill were attracted to more masculine faces and women who were on the pill were attracted to less masculine faces.

The researchers also looked at 85 couples who met when the woman wasn’t on the pill, compared to 85 couples who met when the woman was on the pill.

The women who were on the pill chose less masculine looking guys.

So, how can you use the results of that study to your advantage?

One way to use the results is to feel confident about yourself and know that regardless of how you look in terms of your masculine appearance, you can still attract women.

It’s pretty obvious that women are attracted to very masculine looking men.

However, what you need to understand is that women can feel attracted to guys who don’t look very masculine as well.

Additionally, before the pill was invented, guys with less masculine features were still able to get laid, get a girlfriend and get married.

So, if a guy doesn’t look like Dwayne Johnson or some other very masculine looking guy, it doesn’t mean that he can’t get laid, get a girlfriend or get a wife if he wants that as well.

I’m a classic example of that.

Dan Bacon with and without a beard

If you look at me without the beard, you can see that I have a pretty weak jaw.

Dan Bacon - dating coach

Dan Bacon - dating coach

Dan Bacon - dating coach

Dan Bacon - dating coach

Dan Bacon - dating coach

Dan Bacon - dating coach

I don’t have the square jawline that very masculine looking guys have, but I was still able to easily enjoy my choice of women for 10 years and live a playboy-style lifestyle where I enjoyed women for many, many years.

Then, I met my girl and we settled down and we’ve been together ever since.

One thing I’ll point out is that when I met my girl, I didn’t have a beard and she wasn’t on the pill.

Even though I don’t have a square jawline and I didn’t have big muscles or anything like that, I was still able to attract her and she’s still attracted to me to this day.

So, what I want you to know is that even though women who are on the pill are more inclined to choose a more masculine looking guy, based on my personal experience, a guy who doesn’t look very masculine can still attract women who aren’t on the pill.

I’d estimate that about 60% of the women that I’ve picked up were not on the pill.

The reason why I was able to pick them up is that I made them feel attracted to what I was saying and doing during the interaction.

I didn’t rely on women hopefully feeling attracted to how I looked.

Instead, I actively made them feel attracted and turned on during a conversation and as a result, got to a kiss, sex and into a relationship with women of my choosing.

So, regardless of how masculine you look, the moral of the story is that you shouldn’t sit around waiting and hoping that a woman might find you attractive.

If you do that, you won’t enjoy your choice of women.

If you really want to have your choice of women, you have to have the courage to interact with them and make them feel attracted to what you were saying and doing during an interaction.

3. Hugging a woman releases oxytocin, which makes her trust you more and it also reduces cortisol which makes her relax and open up to you more

Hugging a woman makes her like you and trust you more

A team from the University of North Carolina led by psychologist Dr. Karen Grewen studied the effects of hugging and found that it increased oxytocin and reduced a woman’s level of cortisol and her blood pressure.

In the book The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, who is a professor at the University of California, San Francisco, she writes, “The act of hugging or cuddling releases oxytocin in the brain, especially in females and produces a tendency to trust the hugger.”

So, how can you use the results of that study to your advantage?

In this example, I’ll give some tips for single guys and for guys who are in a relationship or a marriage.

So, for the single guys, when you’re interacting with a woman, just know that when you get to the act of a hug, it’s going to make her like you more and trust you more.

It’s going to make the process of picking her up and getting a phone number or getting to a kiss and sex much, much easier.

So, if you’re interacting with a woman and she says something about how hard her life has been recently at work, or if she’s been studying too much and she’s really tired, use that as an opportunity to initiate a hug.

You can playfully say something like, “Awww…come here. Bring it in for a hug, you poor thing. Come here,” and give her a hug.

Make sure that it’s a warm hug and it lasts for at least 5 to 10 seconds.

Don’t give her one of those 1 to 2-second hugs where you basically hug and immediately let go because that is not going to have the desired effect.

You want to hug a woman for at least 5 to 10 seconds and if you can, 15 seconds would be even better.

Another way to initiate a hug is when it’s a woman’s birthday.

Attracting a woman by giving her a birthday hug

So, if you’re interacting with a woman and she says that it’s her birthday that day, you can say, “Birthday hug. Come here. Bring it in for a birthday hug. Happy birthday!” and have a hug with her.

Now, for the men who are in a relationship or marriage with a woman, how can you use the results of that study to your advantage?

Well, if you hug your girlfriend or wife, you know that it does bring about some good feelings between you and her.

However, if your girlfriend or wife hasn’t been very affectionate lately, or hasn’t been feeling much attraction for you, then she’s most likely going to want to pull away from the hug.

She’s not going to want to keep the hug going and make herself feel turned on or attracted or anything like that.

So, what you need to do is add something else into the hug.

When you bring her in for a hug, you hug her for about 5 seconds or so and then you start kissing her on the neck.

Using the science of attraction on your girlfriend or wife

You also rub your jaw line around the back of her ear as you breathe softly into her ear as well.

What that does is that it makes her feel attracted because you are being dominant, you are leading the interaction, you are holding her in an embrace and you are dominating her.

Doing that helps to make her feel feminine in comparison to your masculinity.

She feels as though you are the more dominant one and you’re leading the interaction and as a result, she’s naturally going to feel attracted to you.

Of course, if she hasn’t been very affectionate lately and she has been feeling turned off, she might want to push you away and not go through with the act of getting turned on.

So, if that happens, you just need to tell her to relax and you need to smile and be good about it.

Don’t be annoyed about it or angry at her.

Just relax, remain confident and keep going until you’re kissing her on the lips and she wants something more than just a kiss.

4. Makeup tricks both men and women into thinking that a woman is more physically attractive than she actually is

Richard Russell, make up study on attractiveness of women

In a study conducted by Richard Russell, an associate professor of psychology at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, it was found that men perceived women who wore makeup as being more prestigious or of higher status.

Both men and women saw the woman with makeup as being more attractive.

So, how can you use the results of that study to your advantage?

Well, a lot of guys end up feeling inferior of women who wear makeup because it makes the woman look way more attractive than he is.

Make up tricks men into thinking that women are more attractive than they are

He looks at her and thinks that she is way more attractive than him and he wouldn’t be good enough for a woman like her.

However, when she actually takes off her makeup, she’s either going to be on the same looks scale as him or he might actually see himself as being better looking than her.

Essentially, what you need to do as a man is maintain confidence in yourself and know that you are good enough for the majority of women that you see and meet.

Make up tricks men into thinking that women are more attractive than they are

If you get tricked by a woman’s makeup into thinking that she is way more attractive than you and that you are not good enough for her, then she’s actually going to feel turned off by you.

Women are attracted to men who are confident in themselves.

So, make sure that you believe in yourself.

Make sure that you don’t doubt yourself based on a woman’s physical appearance, especially if she’s wearing makeup and making herself look more physically attractive than she actually is.

5. Women are more attracted to your status than your looks

In the book The Evolution of Desire, the writer, David Buss, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, references a study that included 186 different societies from around the world.

When referencing that study, he says, “Women desire men who command a high position in society because along with status comes better food, more abundant territory and superior health care. Greater social status bestows on children social opportunities missed by the children of lower ranked males.”

He goes on to say, “Women judge the likelihood of success in a profession and the possession of a promising career to be highly desirable in a spouse. Significantly, these cues to a future status as seen by women as more desirable in spouses than in casual sex partners.”

Finally, he also says, “Men rate physical attractiveness and good looks as more important and desirable in a potential mate than do women. Men tend to see physical attractiveness as important whereas women tend to see it as desirable, but not very important. The sex difference in the importance of attractiveness remains consistent from one generation to the next. Men’s greater preference for physically attractive mates is among the most consistently documented psychological sex differences.”

Many guys worry when they hear that status is important because they assume that status is all about money.

Money definitely is a sign of high status, but it’s not the only way to convey status or attract women.

You can also convey high status based on how you talk to a woman and how you talk to other people in general.

If being rich was the only way to convey status and the only thing that women would accept, then most guys wouldn’t be able to get laid, get a girlfriend or get a wife.

For example: If a man had to be a big shot success and be a millionaire to be able to attract women so he can get laid, get a girlfriend or get a wife, then only 4.63% of the men in New York would be able to get any action.

4.63% is the amount of millionaires in New York, which also includes female millionaires.

So, the actual amount of male millionaires is probably around 3%.

In Sydney, Australia the amount of millionaires is 1.3%. In Melbourne, Australia, 0.9% which is less than 1%.

In California, in the USA, the number of millionaires is 5.9% and in Florida, 4.89%.

Percentages are slightly higher and lower around the world depending on the city, but the percentage of millionaires are usually less than 5% of the population.

So, it’s important that as a man, you don’t assume that you have to be rich and successful to be able to attract women.

As David Buss said, “Women desire men who command a high position in society.”

Yet, what women desire and what they happily accept are two different things all together.

It’s just like how many men desire a Victoria’s Secret models, but then happily accept a girl next door type of woman and stay with her for life.

Additionally, David Buss also points out that women are attracted to the likelihood of success and potential future status of a guy, which means that you don’t already have to be successful to be able to attract a woman.

Her attraction instincts are simply looking for cues that suggest you could possibly be a high status male who could then help ensure the survival of any children that you may have with her.

So, how can you use the results of all that scientific study to your advantage?

Well, as a man, what you need to understand, whether you are single or in a relationship, is that having high social status is not just about being successful and being the most powerful guy in your city and having the best car and having loads of money.

Those things (e.g. being powerful in society, having a great job, having a great car, having loads of money, being the leader of men and so on) do signal high social status.

However, what a lot of guys don’t understand is that you can convey high social status during a conversation with a woman and it will make her feel attracted.

I’ll give you an example to show you what I mean…

Note: You may need to watch the video at the top of this page to see and understand the subtle differences in tonality and body language that allow you to convey high status.

Imagine that a guy is starting a conversation with a couple of women that he finds attractive.

Here is a low status version, “Hi. Excuse me. Yeah. Hi. I thought I’d come here and say hi. I’m Dan. What’s your names?”

Here is an equal status version, “Hi. I thought I’d come here and say hi. I’m Dan. What’s your names?”

Here is a high status version, “Hi. How are you doing? I thought I’d come here and say hi. I’m Dan. What’s your names?”

Here’s another example: A guy is asking a woman what she does for a living. Low status, “What do you do for a living? That’s interesting. Yeah. Right. How long you’ve been doing that?”

Equal status, “What do you do for a living? That’s interesting. How long have you been doing that?”

High status, “So, what do you do for a living? Interesting. How long you’ve been doing that?”

Note: You may need to watch the video at the top of this page to see and understand the subtle differences in tonality and body language that allow you to convey high status.

When talking to a woman, what you want to do is at least convey equal status.

However, at times, it’s good to add in displays of high status.

This may make you come across as being a bit judgmental of her and at times, it might make you seem a little bit arrogant to some people, but not to everyone.

If you convey low status to hopefully get people to like you, it will cause most high status people (including attractive women) to not like you.

Only conveying equal status will make you friendly and likeable, but you will miss out on making women feel attracted to you based on status.

The way that women feel attracted to status is something that single guys can take advantage of and guys who are in a relationship with a woman can take advantage of as well.

For single guys, you want to at least come across as conveying equal status and you want to convey high status at times.

Essentially, to convey high status, you need to come across in a way that conveys that you don’t feel unworthy of her. Some people might see that as being arrogant, but women find it attractive.

In a relationship or a marriage, a man can make his woman feel attracted to him by conveying higher status than her in the relationship.

It doesn’t mean that he should put her down and make her feel bad about herself.

Instead, it simply means that he should convey that he is the more dominant one in the relationship.

There are many ways that a man can do that, but one of the ways he can do it is based on his body language when he’s talking to her.

For example: If a man says to his woman that it’s time to go out and eat, he might say, “Let’s go out and eat and go to a restaurant.”

If he’s conveying lower status, he might say, “Do you want to go out and eat now? Are you hungry? Do you want to go? We should go to get something to eat.”

If he’s conveying equal status, he might say, “Are you hungry? You want to go and get something to eat? Let’s go and do it.”

If he’s playfully conveying higher status, he might say, “Hey you, I’m hungry. Get off your butt. Let’s go get something to eat. Come on. Let’s go.”

Now, a man doesn’t have to talk to his girlfriend or wife like that all the time.

As I said, that’s a bit of a playful example as well (i.e. telling her to get off her butt).

When in a relationship with a woman, some guys fear talking to their woman like that, whereas other guys are totally comfortable with it.

The guys who are comfortable with doing that at times, notice that their woman feels attracted to it.

She likes the fact that the man is being dominant, but he’s also being a good guy at the same time.

He’s not being an asshole about it saying, “Hey, get off your ass. Let’s go. We’re going to eat now. I’m the boss. I’m the man around here.”

He’s not being crazy about it like that.

He’s just being playful with it and saying, “Alright. Come on, let’s go. I’m hungry. We’re going to get something to eat. Get off your butt.”

So, a key takeaway here is that if you are a single guy, you don’t have to be a big shot in your city or country to be able to attract women by conveying high social status.

You can convey high status while you’re talking to a woman based on your body language, tonality and behavior.

If you’re in a relationship, you don’t have to be amazingly successful and at the peak of your career or have already achieved everything that you want to achieve to be able to attract your woman with high social status.

You can display high status based on the way that you interact with your woman and how she sees you interact with other people as well.

Learn More?

Okay, I hope you’ve enjoyed this video and learned something from it.

If you’d like to learn more, I have two recommendations for you.

The first recommendation is my eBook The Flow.

This is for the single guys.

If you want to learn exactly what to say and do to be able to get laid and get a girlfriend easily, then The Flow is for you.

It’s a simple, straightforward process that works.

My methods for attracting women are based on science and are also based on my years of personal experience attracting and picking up women.

When you use The Flow approach on women, you will enjoy your choice of women.

The second recommendation is for guys who are in a relationship or a marriage with a woman.

For that, I recommend my program, Make Her Love You For Life.

When you watch or listen to Make Her Love You For Life, you will learn exactly what to say and do to make your woman feel a renewed sense of respect, attraction and love for you.

If you are not in the power position in the relationship, you will gain the position of power.

If your woman is disappointed with how you’ve been treating her, you will now know what to say and do to get her to forgive you and fall back in love with you again.

You Can Control How Much Attraction Women Feel For You

You can control how much attraction women feel for you

One final point that I want to make for you in this video, is to remind you of the fact that women can feel attracted to things other than a man’s looks, money or height.

It’s true that women can feel attracted to a man’s looks.

It’s true that women can feel attracted to a man if he has money, if he’s famous, if he’s tall and so on.

However, it’s also true that a man can attract a woman during a conversation, during an interaction with her.

A man can display personality traits and behaviors that naturally attract women such as confidence, charisma, charm, using humor, being a bit of a challenge and conveying high status based on how he talks to her and behaves around her.

So, if you are a single guy who is looking to get laid or get a girlfriend, just know that you can take control of the process.

You can start actively attracting a woman as you talk to her.

She doesn’t have to be attracted to your looks or how successful you are and so on.

You can make her feel attracted as you talk to her.

The same goes for men who are in a relationship with a woman.

If your woman isn’t that attracted to you anymore, you have to understand that you can make her feel attracted.

You can start displaying different behaviors around her and it will trigger her feelings of attraction for you.