
~ archived since 2018 ~

The science of hypergamy

March 4, 2014
Now we know exactly how much hypergamy is worth, at least with regards to perceived wealth:
In a carefully controlled experiment (Guéguen and Lamy 2012), researchers tested the idea of how important status is to women. They placed men in expensive cars and instructed them to approach women and ask for their phone numbers. Then they had the men do the same thing in medium- and low-status cars.

The results? The men were successful 23.3 percent of the time when women saw them in a high-status car, 12.8 percent of the time when they drove a middle-status car, and 7.8 percent of the time when they drove a low-status car. Clearly, women are monitoring our status, and we’re acutely aware of that fact.

So the next time someone asks for “proof” of hypergamy, now you can just give the statistics of the willingness of women to give out their number to the guy in the Maserati.
In other words, this single aspect of Game alone will up your chances with a woman by a factor of THREE. Even if wealth-based hypergamy accounts for HALF the entire utility of Game, (and it doesn't, it's certainly less than that), then a refusal to utilize Game means you are reducing the number of women you successfully approach by 83 PERCENT.

Or to put the opposite way, utilizing Game can be reasonably expected to allow you to access at least SIX TIMES more romantic opportunities.

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