
~ archived since 2018 ~

How to spot a faker.

April 4, 2018

In the introduction of Reforming Marriage Pastor Wilson explains why some men do everything right but their wives are still unhappy.  The reason this happens is the man isn’t right with God (emphasis mine):

In other words, keeping God’s law with a whole heart (which is really what love is) is not only seen in overt acts of obedience. The collateral effect of obedience is the aroma of love. This aroma is out of reach for those who have a hypocritical desire to be known by others as a keeper of God’s law. Many can fake an attempt at keeping God’s standards in some external way. What we cannot fake is the resulting, distinctive aroma of pleasure to God.

…This is why I am afraid that this book will be of little use to those who simply want a “formula” to follow that will build them a happy marriage. When it comes to the externals, the mere copyist can always say of himself what the unregenerate Saul could say, “concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless” (Phil. 3:6). However hard the externalist tries, he cannot produce the aroma of godliness. This is why so many people attend marriage seminars and read marriage books with so little result. The obedience of the Christian man is not limited to new actions—actions which, after all, can be copied mechanically. This does not appear to be a rare or unusual error; many people who are miserable in their marriages are also those who have read all the books on how not to be. Of course, certain actions—godly obedience in externals—must be present in all healthy marriages; but in order to produce this distinctive aroma, the externals must proceed from new hearts.

…the love of the Christian husband does not proceed from reading the “right books,” including this one, or going to the right seminars. God will not patch His grace onto some humanistic psychological nonsense—even if that nonsense is couched and buried in Christian terminology.

When a husband seeks to glorify God in his home, he will be equipped to love his wife as he is commanded. And if he loves his wife as commanded, the aroma of his home will be pleasant indeed.

Note how well this ties in with the psychology of the frivolous divorcée.  She is absolutely certain that her husband is the reason she is so terribly unhappy.  The more he does what she (and Wilson, and Oprah) demands, the more furious and miserable she becomes!  Finally Wilson comes along and explains why she feels this way.  It is because her husband is a hypocrite.  Sure he does everything he is told to do, but he is a fraud, and God is using her feelings of discontentment to show the world the truth!

See Also:  How to tell if you are a godly man.

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Title How to spot a faker.
Author Dalrock
Date April 4, 2018 1:39 AM UTC (6 years ago)
Blog Dalrock
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