As of writing this, the 8th ranked link on the bestof subreddit is a link to some guy in the cringe subreddit criticizing trp. For any new people here, I'd like to quickly counter his points:

Men come in two categories, alpha and beta (based on misunderstood or disproved "biotruths")

No. Men who are actively trying to be attractive to women will have actions and beliefs that can be categorized along the lines of alpha and beta. If a man is overwhelmingly choosing from one set of strategies or another, we will call him an alpha or a beta. We could describe the two shortly as virile vs. supplicating and vulnerable. If he is married, he naturally should be doing some things that would be beta to do in a short term relationship.

A woman's value is measured in numbers, and are often to be referred as their values ("I met a an 8 yesterday").

Attractiveness is a gigantic contributor in Sexual Market Value and Marriage Market Value for most men. Marie Curie and Norman Borlaug are more valuable to humanity than pretty much everyone, man and woman, that I've ever met. Neither has any sexual value to me whatsoever.

men are superior to women in every way

No. Men tend toward extremes more than women, so we will see more male geniuses. Men also have a different build and metabolism, and will be significantly physically stronger. Women are perfectly capable people. The feminist movement began destroying the great female qualities before it began to destroy the great male qualities, and women being ruined for 50 years vs 30 years for men has led to a severe imbalance (of course, men have fallen for it much more quickly).

women are meant to be subservient in every way

No. Women are free to do as they please, but all human relationships have a power dynamic. In a long term relationship, we believe the optimal situation would be the husband as a capable captain and his wife as the loyal 1st mate. We believe that a demanding wife will, over time, grow to see her supplicating husband as weak and will despise him for it.

marital rape doesn't exist

I don't know where this claim came from. It certainly is not a major tenant of TRP, I disagree and think spousal rape happens and is grounds for divorce and imprisonment if there is enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.

women become useless by the age of 30

Women have a serious decline in fertility and attractiveness around 30, typically obvious when they're 35.

All men are rational and all women irrational. No exceptions.

All actors are rational by certain definitions of rational in some economic theories. All men and women engage in irrationality to some degree. Some people go through their entire lives believing in particular irrational things. Some women get away with being remarkably irrational because challenging them is seen as a dick move.

A woman's value decreases based on the sexual partner's they've had

We believe that a high partner count lowers her ability to bond. Also, aside from cuckold fetishists, most guys are disgusted by the idea of their partner being with another man.

An alpha male's value increases based on the amount of partners they can have

We believe that women engage in "Preselection" in which the consensus opinion of other women matters a great deal more to them than it does to men.

Is a part of man's nature to sleep with multiple women, therefore acceptable even in marriage

No. While plenty of people advocate plate-spinning, in which a man has multiple different casual sexual relationships, there is not a mass consensus that this should go on during an LTR or marriage.