Guys, I might as well live in the middle of nowhere. Not true, there’s plenty of people but I have some problems.

As a side note, thanks to all red pill people so far. This sub and the main one are full of the best most helpful and kind people. I feel I can be 100% honest, tell true stories, and get real advice. So thanks in advance you wonderful people lol.

The only thing near me is retail stores (and a mall which is shutting down due to lack of business) and six flags. I thought of just walking around the areas of town with stores, and approaching girls like that. Is this a bad idea? Should I be going to bars or clubs? Those seem like bad ideas but also walking around in Target or Kohl’s feels like a bad idea too.

At this point, the rest of this post may be pointless. My question is what do I do to practice approaching in an area with only retail stores?

The rest of this post will be me rambling and adding in more info if you care to read it. Seems like a lot of things boil down to a simple plan of action and that’s that. And I want to know it and execute it. The extra stuff here I’m adding because I don’t know. Maybe it will help.

So I’m new to the red pill action here, been reading a ton, though for years I’ve been on this path already and didn’t know it. I Lost 100lbs by lifting weights, got lots of gains, learned to dress, and have gone from women ignoring my existence, to being hit on and called cute at work (fast food), catching eyes with girls in public, talking and flirting with girls in general. It’s a whole new world boys, and it’s fucking AWESOME. I haven’t even gotten laid, or even a kiss. I haven’t truly tried either. But things are 500% different already and it’s great! But up to this point, I’ve been too scared and shy to pursue my new life where girls actually know I exist and look at me and flirt and all that.

One thing that I feel has potential is the nearby six flags amusement park, specifically the water park part. And as much as I have always been a guy who creepily stares at hot women in bikinis, this time for the first time in my life, they were looking back at me, catching me checking them out, and they didn’t look away. I did though. Normally I’m great with eye contact, have been working on it for a year. But in this bikini land of tits and asses I wasn’t sure how to approach things. Y’all got any ideas? I caught a lot of hot girls eyeing me, I just don’t know what to do with that. Is it the exact same as approaching normally even though the two of you are practically naked? If so, I’ll practice approaching normally before moving onto six flags. Or maybe doing it with girls in bikinis is hard mode and I’d be better off doing it that way?

Of the few bars around, all of them cater to older people. I feel awkward being in a bar full of fat old guys and their wives wearing biker leather or Camo hats. I live in CT btw. I’m sure there’s shit to do in CT but where I don’t know. Recently when I had friends (I ghosted them, I am a loner, a lone wolf, always have been and have been trying to change it, but quality friends seem rare as hell) I would go out to clubs and bars with them. We were all losers who couldn’t get girls. I was the one who got any attention and I even talked to girls and got flirted with. I’d love to go out again with my new knowledge and perspective, but have nobody to go with. Not sure what to do in this case. I also don’t have a car anyways so I’d need a friend to go with lol.

Lastly I work fast food. Plenty of hot girls come thru, I get flirted with, girls call me cute, cars full of drunk girls come through and the whole car will start cat calling me and complimenting me from the back seat. I don’t know if they think I can hear them or not, but it feels good either way. Girls will flirt with me with their boyfriends driving the damn car. One girl said “yes this is my boyfriend, I don’t care, he has to deal with it. You’re really hot.” Like what? What am I supposed to do here lol. Up to this point, I’ve been too shy to respond. Too shy to flirt back. But lately, I’m planning on learning approaching obviously, but I don’t know if that should apply at all to work. I work at night on saturday and that’s when all the hot party girls come thru and flirt with me. What should I do when this happens? What about when her boyfriend is in the car? I’ve had guys just drive away without their stuff cuz he was the only guy in a car full of girls who were hooting and hollering at me. The best part? I can control it. If I don’t make eye contact, nobody flirts with me. If I make eye contact with even one girl, all the girls suddenly start flirting (in that car.) each individual car that comes thru, if I make eye contact I start getting girls flirting. So I know eye contact is like the ultimate king of everything. Or so it seems?

I’m not trying to brag like I’m hot and handsome. Normally I wouldn’t type any of this. Before discovering TRP, I used to go on dating advice sites and forums and try to figure things out. What was going on? Why did girls start making eye contact and flirting? But asking a forum full of beta males who can’t get laid if their lives depended on it, why girls are flirting with me, is a recipe for disaster. They just call me a liar or hate on me and I never got any help lol.

Also, in regards to flirting and approaching, when should I be flirting? I feel like flirting can happen.....always. Picking up bananas? Taking a customers order? Walking on the sidewalk? When is it too much to try and flirt? Or should I just flirt with every woman all the time? What if I’m not super attracted? Should I flirt for practice? What if she’s older? What if I feel that if I flirt, she will give me her number, but really, I don’t have any interest in her. Should I not flirt? Or take her number and just never call?

If you read all of this, you’re a saint, thank you, hope it didn’t hurt. So what do y’all think?