"But she does not speak for the 3.5 billion women on the planet. And this female solipsism is why no man should EVER listen to ANY woman about what another woman wants. Most women are provably unreliable with regards to their own sexual desires; they are totally useless with regards to any other woman's with the possible exception of their closest friends' favored types."

You've seen it on reddit, heard it in your social circles, women saying one thing and doing the other. The fact that they're completely incapable of removing themselves from even (seemingly unrelated) hypothetical scenarios (just check the TBP sub) should be enough for any rational man to give up looking for transparency in a woman's sexual behaviour - or expecting her to be able to accurately perceive the intricacies of her (and other women's) sexual behaviour.

If you assimilate these aspects there is little wisdom in expecting the female hyperagency that seems to be the standard here - an expectation that fuels many TRP contributor's criticism of women's sexual behaviour. What's the benefit in expecting common sense where there's so little self-awareness, why look for the application of logic when the motivator is primal emotion and the ego.

If women were actually attuned to the pragmatic (and not at all romantic) reality of their sexual nature they would fall into depression or go crazy. Evolution made sure they'll stay perfectly unaware (the rationalization hamster). There is a reason women romanticise palpable aspects like dominance, strength, success, provision - to make themselves seem less self-serving.

TL;DR Women have two realities, the one that assures their evolutionary success, and the one that keeps their mind at ease. They live in the latter. Trying to show them the former is idiotic.