EDIT -- I did not write this


This article will be perhaps the most important piece of information you will haven gotten about women and the manner in which they operate on an intricate and subconscious level in dating and hooking up.

It’s the underlying reason of flakes, getting stood up and the all-too-familiar precarious situations like when a girl decides to screen your phone calls to voice mail instead of answering.

Women being creatures of the moment is the missing piece to the puzzle which has puzzled men like myself for 2 decades.

Ever met a girl who’s head over heels for you today, and tomorrow you’re left wondering what had happened to that phenomenal vibe?

Sure you have! We all have!

This is a byproduct of the “Transient” nature in the modern women.

What is true for a girl today may not be true next week.

Women transition through states, emotions and feelings as if they’re going out of style.

With all due respect: women are emotionally unstable.

This hypothesis could be accredited to hormone imbalance (estrogen) or something much more sinister [I hope not].

Nevertheless, it’s prudent on your part as a man to realize how women are hard-wired.

Not being privy to this information, you’ll be forced to judge every girl as a perpetual liar [I've been there]. And by the time you hit 30, you will have had a full set of gray hair due to incomprehensible actions on the part of females.

It’s not that women are little-filthy mischievous liars. It’s the emotional and transient [in the moment] components that make it seem so.

I had a taste of this over the weekend where I chit-chatted with a girl from my neighborhood.

She had always told me over the months that she doesn't date dark-skinned guys [never have]. Her preference is black guys on the lighter side [everyone has a preference].

Usually, I would scoff at such declarations since women really don’t have a clue of what they want. But for some weird reason; I actually believed this girl fully.

For the record: this isn't a girl whom I hit on whereby she’s been rejecting me with the excuse that she doesn't date dark-skinned guys like myself. Therefore, she has zero reason to disqualify me on this premise. She’s just a girl in the neighborhood whom I chitchat with.

Anyway, we chatted at a snack bar over the weekend and the subject of dating came up.

She happened to show me a photo in her phone of her current boyfriend.

Guess what? He’s dark-skinned.

“You Lying B***h!"

I didn't call her out on it though because I know the underlying theme and why this was possible.

Did she not even remember telling me numerous times over the last 10 months that she doesn't date guys of my complexion, and that she now risks seeming like a fat-contradicting liar?

I dunno.

Was she lying though?


At that moment in time (and prior), she didn't date dark-skinned guys.

Not that she lied about it. She was merely responding to the moment and what she believed and held as true then.

What she holds as truth today, she often contradicts tomorrow depended on whichever emotional state she’s transitioning to.

This goes deeper than “choices” and individuals having a change of heart on particular issues, likings and positions.

However, I want to paint a clear picture of a woman’s modus operandi on a day to day basis when dealing with men: today she’ll love you, tomorrow she’ll despise your very existence.

Don’t take it personal guys.

If a girl brushes you off or purposely ignores a text messages of yours, her current-transitory state might not have been in-tuned to you nor your text messages.

Not that she’s being a nefarious witch (although this is the case 50% of the time).

Another great analogous scenario of this is a hot girl in the nightclub.

Clubs and bars are environments of transient states in that they create a sense of illusion [lights, music, drinks, colors, ambiance, confusion, etc].

Therefore, in such an environment or venue, the girl’s reality is temporarily suspended while she’s there in the moment.

Think of the popular saying: “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”.

This idiom is a perfect match for women and how they operate (subconsciously) when on foreign terrain.

A chick in the nightclub is liable of making out with 10 random guys under the guise that it isn't real: it’s only an illusion- a temporary phase in passing.

Surely she’s not thinking this consciously but it sure affects her judgments subconsciously.

Therefore, whatever happens in the club isn't her fault ( plausible deniability ) since it was merely a transient/transitional state and occurrence.

How does this relate to women on a whole [outside of the nightclub setting]?

The same excuse she grants herself while at the club, she’ll use the same mental framework to justify her actions in any situation.

On a related note, this is why it’s a terrible idea to exchange phone #’s with a girl whom you meet in the nightclub: she won’t remember you, partially since that great energy she had in the club will have dissipated as she transitioned through another phase and moment.

Even if she does remember you when you elect to give her a call or text, the vibe will have died and her initial attraction for you vanished.

Guys when faced with such a situation, not knowing any better, will rush to judgment with 2 conclusions:

1.) Women are evil fickle-minded witches!

2.) Dating and meeting women is extremely difficult.

Many years ago, I also would've taken those 2 positions (particularly the first).

In reality, dating isn't hard, and women aren't evil bitches [though sometimes they comes close].

We men have got to understand that women transition with lightening speed through various phases and moments of emotional states.

The only way to counter this as a guy, is to capitalize off the moment fast before it does a Houdini on your ass!

You may want to read this infamous article of mine: The window is closing fast.

The fundamental advice in which I share in that article is that you [the guy] MUST act fast or the girl will lose interest in you and will think that you’re wasting her time.

In other words, if you meet a stunning girl today, liking is mutual, the vibe is great, y’all exchange phone numbers and so forth, she’s attracted to you for sure, etc. Do not think to yourself for a split second that this attraction and affinity for you will last forever.

That is the most common mistake guys make after getting girls’ phone numbers. They languish and linger as if time is on their side, not realizing that attraction has an expiration date therefore it isn't indefinite.

The guy phones the girl then wonder why the vibe is so flat and how come she seems disinterested.

The answer to that is simple: the girl has lost attraction because the transient state that she was in when she initially met him, is not the same state at the moment when he decided to phone her 2 days or a week later.

As I said previously; the only way to counter this is to capitalize off the attraction while it’s still burning hot.

Try to sleep with her ASAP!

The longer you wait in hopes of preserving her values and to set yourself apart as Mr. Respectable: the sooner she’ll become turned off and harbor malicious feelings towards you (albeit with a smile on her face).

Guys who are adverse to One-Night Stands and sleeping with girls fast, tend to always find themselves in those precarious quagmires, beating themselves up over missed opportunities:

“I thought Jenny liked me”!?

Jenny did like you…until you missed the boat then tried to build a connection with her when she just isn't in the head space [she's already made a psychological transition since that moment].

To hammer this point home with a 6 inch nail, I want to refer to a recent video of mines where I’d picked up and banged a 22 year old the same night I met her at a concert [check the latter minutes of the video of the girl and I chatting].

I approached her dominantly with sexual intent - I'd kissed her in less than a minute.

I liked her; she liked me.


The stage is set, the vibe is right…now what?

I can either take advantage of this moment [and it is a fleeting moment] and the fact that she’s attracted to me, by trying to sleep with her that same night [which I wisely did]. Or I could’ve done what the average guy does: get her phone # and Adios amigo! Wish for the best! :smile:

Therefore, I made a wise-judgment call and struck while the iron was burning hot. I wrote about this seduction concept here: Strike while it’s hot.

With the fore-knowledge that a woman’s emotions, attractions and likings fluctuate and vacillate like a yacht in high tides, I no longer wait neither rely on securing a phone # to continue later what I can resume right here right now.

Having read this article [I hope you did], you are now armed with key insights and information as to how women and attraction work.

She can like you today and hate you tomorrow by no fault of yours. Simply because the high energy that she felt prior between you and her [chemistry] had lost its savor.

Men, we aren’t hard-wired this way, hence we generally don’t operate in such a flippant manner towards women and dating.

This is largely because men are rational thinkers while women are emotional thinkers, making calls based on their emotions, even though that “on-the-fly” decision can mean trouble: unwanted pregnancies, rapes homicides, etc.

This is often why you’ll hear cases of girls being impregnated from One-Night Stands or getting knocked up by a no-lifer who does nothing but party hard every day…although that seems like an indictment against myself!

Such misfortunes and occurrences stem from the “Transient” nature in modern women.

She thinks in “the moment”, of “the moment”, and anything outside of “the moment” doesn't count ["What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"].

This is also why it’s very easy to sleep with women whom are taken.

If a guy can spark that attraction fuse inside of her for him, she will fuck him “in that moment”, then bawl her eyes out in regret later, after she’d transitioned to another state and moment where she has time to reflect on previous moments from which she’d transitioned.

Confused yet?

As men, such whimsical behavior is dumb-foundingly foreign to us!

We aren’t consumed in the moment as women are, where they get blinded to the bigger picture of the collage.

A girl on the other hand, once she likes a guy, or is merely attracted to him or his approach, she gets lost in the moment.

Even backwards-ass Hollywood is privy to this.

You’ll hardly see depictions in the movies of a guy getting lost in the moment whenever he meets a new girl.

This is almost always exclusive to women in films (and reality).

Once you can tap into a girl’s emotional side in the moment: she will allow you to fuck her or at least get sexual in some way!

The average guy, shamefully so, suffering from a lack of knowledge of social dynamics, seduction and women, almost always make the mistake of misinterpreting “SEX” as a sign that a girl wants to be exclusive in a monogamous relationship with him.

Guys can’t seem to come to grips with the new reality that most women are completely satisfied with and open to casual-sex encounters and sleeping around with zero strings attached [just that society will virtually banish them].

Therefore the average guy misinterprets sex to mean more.

Little does he know, 9 in 10 times; it’s just a passing phase. The girl is merely transitioning between frames and realities.

She wants to fuck your brains out for a good 2 weeks, then transition to someone else i.e. new cock on the bloc.

By the way, this isn’t exactly a conscious decision.

You as the guy being unaware of this, gets dejected and frustrated as to why Lisa has been ignoring your texts over the past 3 days and why she doesn’t seem as enthusiastic about hanging out anymore.

Lisa is a Transient creature.

She’s a woman.

Ninety percent of your dating woes can be eradicated if you only operate on an “In the moment” basis just as all sexually active and sexually able women do or are capable of doing.

On that note, I’ll leave you with a video from PUA coaches, RSD Julien and Todd Valentine, as they touch on women being creatures of the moment.

Another video relevant to the topic by RSD Julien, giving great examples of how women think in the moment and how to utilize it to sleep with them fast.

This is the link to the original article