I have a few buddies who seem ready to check out TRP: We're all in our 30s, been divorced or fresh out of a cohabit-LTR, doing well in our careers, lifting/being fit, being active socially, living the good life as free men in a big city.

They're mostly past the No More Mr Nice Guy phase; they don't need a book to tell them to stand up for themselves. Rollo's TRM is amazing and I've already bought a few copies as gifts, but they have to handle his somewhat unique writing style.

I hesitate to just text them a link to TRP as I assume most of them aren't familiar with reddit culture which has its own steep learning curve. Additionally TRP can be a bit extreme, at least to normies, and the sidebar, although very helpful, is a bit scattered and not cohesive.

What do you think is the best way to introduce a buddy to TRP?