• Approached a girl in my gym earlier this year
  • We'll call her Girl A
  • Been friends for some time
  • Go on a few dates until I screw it up by not being experienced(I was new to red pill)
  • Eventually start improving myself more, lifting and meeting more girls
  • Totally forget about this girl (She's very very validation seeking)
  • Find out that the girl deleted me on instagram so I did the same
  • We occasionally talk on SC but after taking her off a pedastal, I actually find her very unattractive with nothing to offer
  • Today I'm scrolling through Instagram and see one of her friends that she told me about before
  • Call her girl B
  • Send girl B an instagram request
  • Girl B accepts but at that same exact time, Girl A messages me on instagram (Something she's never done before) and says: "Adding my friend eh?"

I reply with: "She's a suggested friend, gtfo , laughing emoji"

Girl A replies with "Mhmmm."

I don't even bother to open her message (So used to ignoring her now.)

She sends me another message like 30 - 1 hour later saying:

"She's not single ;)"

Again, haven't bothered to even open the message and don't plan to.

What's the deal here with this girl? She's been doing shit like this for a long time.

She'll message me out of the blue then stop replying so I started to do the same to her. It just makes no fucking sense, she KNOWS that I'm a no shit kind of guy so I won't fall for her shit and behaviour (I'm always teasing and negging her) and she knows that I have absolutely no problem getting girls.

Why does she keep up this little cat and mouse game? We were snapping on snapchat a few weeks ago having a lot of banter until I send her a video of a song I was listening to. She straight up opens and ignores.

Then a few days ago, she sent me a snap of her buying a drink at the store.

I gave one reply then left her on seen.

Can anyone explain her behaviour? I'm not experienced with women like these. Plus why would she tell me that her friend is single?