I used to be the biggest BP-influenced nerd. The biggest white knight out there.

I felt for a girl - whether it was love or infatuation, I don’t know. I acted beta as fuck and she rejected me, blocked me on everything and ghosted me hard as fuck.

This sent me into monk mode. For months I read and lifted. I still do everyday, but you get the point. Since, I’ve had sex with several females, increased my SMV (working a lot more hours, looking better from the gym).

I’m 17, if that helps you come to a conclusion for the question I’m about to ask.

I’ve noticed that the chick recently unblocked me on snap. I could tell because I was going through my recommended friends and she popped up since I have her as a contact.

Should I contact her again and try to woo her over with my newfound sidebar knowledge?

Thanks and sorry for autism in advance.