While TRP is often a place for men to vent an discuss the paradoxes of western female centered culture, it should also be a place where men can help each other cultivate a positive male identity. TRP has to be a space where men can cultivate positive masculinity because most other forums are corrupted by the self interested advice of conceited women, and the musings of clueless manginas. Taking the red pill is awesome, anger and resentment are natural. Sooth that butthurt with some GayLubeOil and then move your life in a positive direction.

The transition from childhood to manhood is all about self sufficiency. Feeding yourself is a critical aspect. Unfortunately many men are still children in this regard. We can blaim the aggressive marketing of fast food and restaurants or the general western culture of ease and laziness. Regardless, a critical skill is missing from your life, if you can't cook.

The main reason you should learn to cook, aside from nutritional considerations is that food is critical in forming social bonds. People will bond much more closely over food, especially if the food is prepared together. The destruction of the american family began at the advent of the TV dinner. Friendship and brotherhood is an instrumental part to living a fulfilling life, and home cooked food is a critical aspect of that.

With regard to women; the modern american woman can be hardly expected to prepare a balanced tasty meal. Feminists have made female cooking more or less taboo. So as a modern man, you have no choice but to acquire this skill. I personally like to prepare food with a woman on the third date, because its an opportunity for positive male leadership and demonstration of value. If you attempt this make sure you are cooking with her and not for her. You don't want to be a beta-boy that feeds the magic princess. If at any point she gets bored stops helping and whips out her phone; tell her that since shes not contributing she can leave or put her phone in the cavity of the duck you are cooking.

The final question that needs to be addressed is whether cooking is masculine in and of itself. The answer is yes, unless your preparing some gay shit like a salad. The best chefs in the world are men. Proper cooking, takes planing, patience, knife wielding and the ability to stick to a plan. These are all things universally women suck at. Gordon Ramsay, Matt Tebbutt and Valentine Warner are all examples of positive masculinity. They are productive well adjusted men, who are not afraid to take (culinary/business) risks.

Big Guns and explosions are typically associated with masculinity. However, unless you have a fort to storm or some Contras to shoot, you can get plenty lays, by being a healthy well adjusted dude, with a diverse and interesting skill set.