One thing I realised after 1 year of lurking in TRP is this: most guys fail in the dating scene because of their lack of action and persistence. Persistence means not getting emotionally involved when experiencing rejection. Because rejection can lead you to two paths: The path of quitting, or the path of embracing the shit emotions and try again.

If you quit, you will not get laid for sure. But if you try again? You have clearly more chances of getting laid than quitting. Then why are so many people choosing the first path? Are we human so fragile that we would rather die virgins than experience negative emotions? What is this bullshit?

I'm now understanding the real meaning of "self improvement is masturbation".

When I watched Fight Club and heard that phrase, I couldn't understand its meaning. It took me 1 year to understand it.

I've been reading a shit ton of stuff about women and game, and acting so little.

I became a perfectionist. I think I have to look like Jeff Seid to get laid, or that I need to be financially succesfull first.

While those things help you getting laid undoubtedly, believing that they are a MUST to get laid, is fucking detrimental. I can tell you because this is what I'm experiencing right now.

What I'm experiencing right now is information overload. I'm addicted to information. For how stupid it may sound, I believe many here are addicted to TRP and self-improvement sources. Reading this shit makes you feel better. There's a reason people talk about "mental masturbation". It's like jacking off, but you are doing it with your mind. You must realise that action is the only next step you need to take.

That's why those pua's make millions selling their books on how to get laid, and why RSD make so many views on youtube. While their advice is really often valuable, most guys don't put it into practice, but keep watching their videos filling their head with information and...dopamine. It's like selling porn.