I work at a casino, and as you might imagine we have a wide range of clientele. Often older women 45+ will come in alone, sometimes at all hours and gamble. I am a floor person and generally just walk around talking to guests in a positive manner. Tonight was no different, and this older woman who looks about 47-49 comes in, I've seen her before and exchanged pleasantries with her.

She comes upset early in the night that her reserve tag had been taken off by a random guy and now he was playing on her machine. After consoling her a bit she leaves.

Then later around 12am I notice she had come back, so it being a slow as fuck tuesday night closer shift I strike up a conversation. She then goes on to tell me had she won the 60,000,000 jackpot that happened recently, she would have came to the casino, pulled me and one other worker aside specifically, and gifted $1,000,000 each. She said it was because I, and he, was the only one who was nice to her. I thanked her. Was kind of stunned really, up to that point I had just treated her kindly and not really done anything above and beyond for her. She asked what my name was and I told her, and after she told me hers I shook her hand, smiling.

She's playing the machine while this is happening, and she begins to win back a couple small amounts, to which she says I'm lucky and when I'm around her she starts getting on fire with luck and then she caressed my arm/hand, smiling. Then she goes on to say she definitely feels like she's going to win a lotto jackpot this year, and if she does she will find me and fulfill what she promised.

Then I walked away and my heart thumped because I had a brilliant plan: This was the perfect plausible deniability situation to give her my contact info, because she knows my casino is shutting down permanently in January 2019 so she wouldn't be able to just show up and find me, let alone even know if I was still working there.

I write down my info on a piece of paper and went back, saying you know if she did want to contact me she wouldn't be able to find me, and she said I better give her my name and number, to which I conveniently pulled out the info already written down.

She then went on to say how (implying if she won) she would love to call me up and go for a coffee. I said that would be amazing. We parted ways amicably and I left.

So what the fuck happened here? I'll tell you what my gut says. My gut says there was definite interest, and giving her the plausible deniability was a perfect way to hand out my number. I don't really think it was about rewarding me with money for merely exchanging a few pleasantries with her in times past, but I think it was more she was interested in a younger man.