I don’t know if this is strange or if any of you guys feel this way but I’m not very sexually attracted to the kind of woman I want to be in a relationship with.

When I think about it, the women over the years that I’ve wanted to date aren’t very good looking. Maybe around HB 6-8. One of them I personally think is not good looking at all. I liked them in the sense that I liked being close to and spending time with them. It’s not like I didn’t want to have sex with them at all, but it’s not the foremost thing on my mind when I’m with them.

I find it difficult for me to be physical and escalate with them because it’s almost insincere. On the other hand, there are women I’m sexually attracted to and dates with them are a lot easier in terms of f-closing but for some reason I don’t care for the majority of them when I’m not horny.

It’s like I’m stuck getting women I don’t care for and not the ones I actually do.