Hello, I'm a male in my late 20s, I've gone form being a motivated male with a drive to workout (12% body fat) and making $36,000 a year (From $15,000 a year) with no real bills (Military life). I was driven to work and explore and make the most of my life I was happy and very red pill in my approach long before I heard of the red pill.

I got married and shit went bad.

I got diagnosed as depressed, I'm not mopey or anything just no energy. It took forever before I divorced my wife but all I've done is go to school and even that has been like pulling teeth (2/3rds complete). I have no motivation to work out, I've gained weight (38% body fat.) I've picked up smoking and I can't even sleep normally and I gotten back addicted to the internet. My only good traits is that I now cook for myself, I've gotten further in my novel than ever, I have entered monk mode. Nothing else I got to show for it.

TL;DR How do I get back that drive I had for the years of 18-23? Mentally I know what I have to do physically to get better but I have no drive. I'm feeling as if I'm stuck in a rut and I don't know how to get out of it, so BAM. How do I get that drive?