You just have to meet this guy.

His name is Jocko Willink and he's an ex-Navy SEAL commander, a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and one of the most intense men on the planet.

He was also guested in Tim Ferriss' book Tools of Titans where he shared his wisdom. I've compiled his greatest lessons from his podcast as well into one single idea that is Jocko Willink.

Here are my top 10 ideas from him.

  • #1 Discipline Equals Freedom - With enough discipline, you can be sure that you will get what your heart desires and through the process be free. Financial freedom, freedom from disease, freedom from afflictive thoughts, freedom of time, what you do on a daily basis etc.
  • #2 Two is One and One is None - Have a Backup - If you have two of something, you still have one when you break or lose it, if you have one, you will break or lose it and be screwed. Always have a backup option or a piece of equipment with you.
  • #3 Expose Yourself to the Darkness to See the Light - To truly experience the light and the bright, you have to see the darkness. If you shielded yourself from the darkness, you’ll not appreciate and fully understand the beauty of life. Read dark books about the turmoil of life, don't suppress your negative emotions and don't be afraid to feel sad.
  • #4 To Be Mentally Tougher, Be Tougher - You can already be tougher with your next decision. Have trouble saying no to dessert? Be tougher. Feel an irresistible urge to give in to temptation, whether that be drugs, your bad habits or whatever? Be tougher than your desire. Feeling winded? Be tougher and take the stairs anyway.
  • #5 Take Extreme Ownership Over Your Life - Don't complain, own your own problems and solve them. When you do truly need something, only then ask for help.
  • #6 Wake Up Early To Gain Psychological Victory - Jocko gets up at 4:45 AM to have that psychological win over the enemy. When he wakes up in the morning, he thinks to himself: What can I do to be ready for the moment, which is coming?
  • #7 Always Be Prepared - Come prepared and prepare for the worst case scenario.
  • #8 Learn to Detach Yourself From the Situation - Don't look at it from your own ego. Step back and detach yourself mentally and emotionally as to see what really goes on.
  • #9 To Increase Willpower, Stay Strong and Hold Your Discipline - It's easier to say 'NO' to the entire doughnut than 'YES' to one bite and end up eating the whole thing.
  • #10 When Things Are Going Bad, Say Good and Get Back into the Fight - How to deal with setbacks, failures, delays, defeat or other disasters? There is one word to deal with all those situations, and that is: “good.” When things are going bad, there’s going to be some good that will come from it.

I'm a huge fan of Jocko Willink and his philosophy because it resonates with my own as well. Having gone through military service myself, I can totally attest to the benefits of living a highly disciplined life. It can set you free.

I've also made a video about all of these 10 ideas on my YouTube channel. Check out the video here.

EDIT: Thanks for the feedback. Definitely, check out Jocko Podcast on Youtube for his weekly show with Echo Charles. It's awesome. And get his book Extreme Ownership and his new one Way of the Warrior Kid. Check out the video.

Thanks! Stay Disciplined, Stay Empowered! Siim