I've come across Pook close to a decade (!) ago and his points are still as relevant. I want to present some quotes by Pook on the nature of the sexes.

pg.51 On Paradise

What is Woman's World? It is paradise. If you were on a tropical island, would you not just enjoy life? You would not read philosophy. You would not take life seriously. You would let your brain rot and take in the pleasures of the body. You would sleep with an island native here or there and think nothing of it. You would wear silly costumes; stay out late at night all the time, drink, maybe even wear tattoos. Women appear so damn dumb to men because they are in paradise, married women especially so. This is why American Women tend to have two emotions: giddiness or stern contempt. Stern contempt occurs only when something interferes with Paradise such as a rainstorm. Women who are forced to work are unhappy because they feel they are being denied Paradise. Unmarried women or ugly women (is there a difference?) begin to hate men because they believe they are denying them Paradise. When a sex looks at the lace curtain, it appears as a mirror. They project themselves onto the other sex. Women believe men are also in this paradise. If you are studying on your own, or do not go out every night to "party" or "play," they will be confused and think something is wrong with you. When men talk about how unhappy they are in their marriages, women become extremely uncomfortable as if ice water is chilling their spine. They thought the opposite! They thought men WERE HAPPY and that they, the woman, were bestowing joy inside the guy!

Some excerpts on Women's Views on Men (pg.96)

Men are like a giant pet to women. Like with any pet, you never hate it. You can only be cruel to it. "Good" women believe they are "good" solely because they are not cruel to men. This doesn't mean they tell the truth or anything. One would never talk to a dog as one talks to a Human. But one wouldn't kick a dog just because it was there. It is always good to be kind and sweet to the dog even if you do not want it as a pet. Besides, cute pets are good. Cute pets that can do tricks are better.

Since women are in paradise, they cannot get inside men's context. If a man were to complain about women, the man is almost always complaining about the Matriarchy system (even if he is unaware it exists). Women do not see a Matriarchy. They think paradise exists for the man too just as it does for them. So when a man complains about women, she thinks he simply isn't getting enough sex which those in paradise seek. This is also why women don't understand why men complain about them screwing guys left and right or why they shouldn't drink and do drugs.

It makes women very uncomfortable when they read information that husbands are so unhappy in marriage. It is not because of a sense of guilt. It is simpler than that. She is in paradise, shouldn't he be in paradise as well? Flip that around. When men work and slave, she thinks he actually enjoys it. She does not think his pleasure has been programmed.

Women believe that they are the Source of All Happiness for men. Bachelors have to always be unhappy and sad. Married men have to be always happy and upbeat. This is reflected in media (which women are the primary consumers). Young men easily believe it because they are young.

Do You want to see the prototype for the RedPill? Read the chapter on the Lace Curtain (pg.83)

When the reprogramming of the Lace Curtain program begins, the man must compensate with what, on the surface, sounds like woman bashing. The 'woman bashing' is not actually woman bashing, but his only release of the pain as his mind sinks through the terrible hell of being reprogrammed. The phenomenon of Men's Rights websites has most of them in this process. You will find lengthy essays and some harsh tones. Women will view it and simply dismiss it as, "Angry males," but they are attempting to remove their programming. They are not blogging to talk to the world. They are blogging to talk to their mind. They are not posting messages on boards to talk to others. They are posting messages to themselves to save themselves. The reason why men’s' rights boards has so much of a "Yes Man!" quality to them is because it is not so much a discussion forum as it is a tonic, a salve, for the bleeding mind as it is being cut up, diced, and re-arranged where the Lace Curtain program cannot get to it. The reprogramming takes two to three years. This is why most Men's Rights blogs mysteriously vanish after two to three years. There is no more reason to talk to themselves. The Lace Curtain program has been removed.

pg. 416 on Nature of the Sexes

A man peering at the feminine sphere is like a man on the shore of the world peering into the ocean. They see shadows of movement on the other side and consider that liquid underworld to be mysterious yet pretty shallow. Certainly nothing as complex and wondrous as above! But let us jump into the waters into the Feminine Sphere. As we jump into the water, we realize there is no liquid underworld. We appear on the surface just as when we left but it is a new different over-world. And, likewise, there are women standing on the shore peering into the depths of the ocean wondering what it is like in the masculine sphere. They see the shadows and it seems interesting, a little mysterious, but they too think it is a shallow existence. And they pity men for their shallow existence.

The feminine sphere is just as wondrous and detailed as the masculine sphere. Both were created by Nature or Nature's God. Each sex pities the other for their 'shallow' existence.

All of this is from Pook's Mill - the now abandoned blog of pook. The current available link is from the shitty scribd. So I uploaded a better link for the compilation:

