A stunning realization happened to me once again the other day. Women are getting worse. Like every single week. They are literally all the same. Some sluttier then others, some attention seekers, others just seeking validation left right and centre.

Women will paint this picture, very very cleverly that she is "different" do NOT buy this shit.

She will bat her eye lashes, she will make out she's the exception. Easier when shes a 7 and below to not fall for this. But the hotter the woman, its so so easy to fall into the hold trap.

A girl I was chatting to the other day was very rude and arrogant on the phone. A bitch shield, for a 9 out of nowhere. Well thats interesting, as I know most 9s are in fact very nice and chilled out. So clearly, she is not as high quality as I expected. She may be an 8 swimming around hoping to be a 9. Theres a significant difference.

Snapchat is a great app to get a woman to send you naked pictures. What is also is, I discovered is an insight into who they are messaging. My plates are all messaging other guys, as "top friends" lists who they are sending pictures to. No surprise they are talking to loads of guys. ALL of them. One plate is talking to a mutual friend of mine. That was a real surprise that one.

Lets not mention the girl I decided to befriend as she was chilled out and I wasn't attracted to her. We just decided to be mates, plutonic. On the second chilled drink out after a cool first one just at the pub, she got jealous I fucked another girl which I told her about, arrived slightly late, had to leave like after "20 minutes" asked if we could pick up her girl friend and play taxi. Paid the bill, told her "this is why i dont have female friends" and walked away.

How about last night, a 7, but who has a really nice personality etc. Talks about meeting up drops the "im seeing someone, at the moment, he buys me dinner etc" I told her "Well he pays for dinner, and I'll fuck your brains out" she then responds with "oh i dont sleep around bla bla bla" So you are "seeing someone," but still want to meet up with me evidently knowing what I'm going to do? Urgh it's getting sickening now.

So to summarize;

  1. Unicorns don't exist. The girl you want to go out with is the one that gives you the least bullshit going, and isn't a slut.

  2. Snapchat proves that your girl is talking to other guys, probably sending naked photos.

  3. Girls who pretend to be 9s, and seem to be 8s, do NOT fall for it. It's a very good act. You'll see tits, and an ass and think "wow" and she will paint a nice personality. Do NOT fall for it at all. Its an oscar winning performance. If anything treat this girl like absolute toilet. I tried to build rapore, it backfired.

  4. Don't bother being mates with girls. Just don't. What honestly is the point?

  5. Alpha fucks, beta bucks. - "Seeing someone, buys dinner" still wants to meet me as I'm a dog.

I am disgusted by women, every single fucking day they are getting worse. I'm thinking of doing an Eddie Murphy and getting a bush bitch from africa.