Hello TRP.

I've collated some studies that have noted some gender differences which I think some of TRP might find interesting. Some of these things we have already discussed, but it's nice to know we aren't just spewing hot air. Hope you enjoy.

Men and women are assigned roles in virtually every society and culture on record

Wood & Eagly, 2002. "Once Again, the Origins of Sex Differences"

Regardless of whether or not you think this is right, this counters a claim I hear often, and that is that the idea of men taking on dominant roles is a western phenomenon.

Men value physical attractiveness and health, women value those things as well as social status, ambition, and financial success

Feingold, 1990. "Gender Differences in Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Romantic Attraction - A Comparison across 5 research Paradigms."

Feingold, 1992a. "Gender Differences in Mate Selection Preferences - A Test of the Parental Investment Model"

This derives from Triver's Parental Investment model. To summarise; women have to put a lot more effort into rearing a child and there are a lot more risks involved, and so are much more selective in their choice of mates, whereas for men its more advantageous to just pick a woman who is young (more fertile) and healthy in order to aid gene transmission.

These findings have been replicated across various cultures - Shackelford, Schmitt & Buss, 2005 -Universal dimensions of human mate preferences.

These findings have also been replicated across sexual orientations. Gay men place more weight on attractiveness, whereas lesbians do not - Deaux & Hanna, 1984. Courtships in the Personal Column - The Influence of Gender and Sexual Orientation

Men outperform women on tests of general knowledge, mechanical reasoning, and mental rotation. Women outperform men on tests of language ability (grammar and spelling) and perceptual speed. No differences have been found in tests of general verbal ability, arithmetic, spatial visualisation, or memory span.

See reviews by Jacklin, 1989; Kimball, 1989; Linn & Hyde, 1989; Wilder & Powell, 1989

As to whether these differences are biologically determined or a reflection of socialisation, I'm not sure. Interesting nonetheless.

Men are more likely to seek short-term relationships. Women are more likely to seek long-term relationships

Schmitt et al, 2001. "The desire for sexual variety as a key to understanding basic human mating strategies."

Confirming what we already knew.

Men are more bothered by sexual infidelity, women by "emotional cheating"

Shackelford et al, 2004. "Romantic jealousy in early adulthood and in later life"

Again, another one we have already discussed.

In relationships, men prefer sharing activities, women prefer intimacy and shared feelings

Tannen 1990. "Gender Differences in Topical Coherence - Creating Involvement in Best Friends Talk."

The more time a man spends with his S.O, the happier he is. Women are happier the less arguments they have

Kelley 1979; Wright 1982

Make of that what you will. Personally I think that this demonstrates that men appreciate having someone to share their day to day activities with, as well as have sex with, whereas women want emotional support and the validation of being in a relationship.

Women self-disclose information about themselves to other women a lot more than men do to other men

*Reis 1986. "Gender effects in social participation: intimacy, loneliness and the conduct of social interaction. In The Emerg­ing Field of Personal Relationships".

A female friend of mine was surprised to hear that in men's bathrooms we just pee in silence and leave. According to her the female bathroom is a social area as much as the actual bar.

When encountered with a problem, women are more likely to express empathy and understanding, men are more likely to suggest a solution"

Tannen 1990. "Gender Differences in Topical Coherence - Creating Involvement in Best Friends Talk."

In short; women feel, men do. This is more a matter of preference and habitual response rather than ability, however.