I've always been scared of rejection. Actually, I've always been pretty much just scared. Scared of trying in school, scared of speaking up, scared of taking any sort of risk.

And what I realized is that I am living an unfulfilling life, often fantasizing what could have been. I have always been horrible with women. When I was 18, I had to pay a hooker to lose my virginity because I was so horny all the time that sex was all I could think about. By the time I was 20, I finally had my first kiss, settling with a girl I already knew liked me. Every girl I made a move on after that, I would already know from friends that she was already into me.

But all I did was lie to myself, I tricked myself into thinking I am happy because I have a women in my life. Out of all the women I dated or been in a relationship with, looked average with serious character flaws that I overlooked because I am scared of not having a woman in my life.

I want a woman in my life that I can connect with emotionally. A woman that I find physically pleasing (doesn't have to be a 10) but someone I find physically attractive and not just okay.

So I finally just started asking out girls who I find attractive. I remember only a couple years back I would take hours to text a girl back thinking what the perfect response is. Nowadays I just say what's on my mind or just straight up ask them out because I'm so tired. Tired of all this crap, to me...I rather get rejected than having to put 30 minutes to a hour of effort thinking of some response I think would be perfect.

I'm totally rambling but I want to know where I go from here? I'm having the same (lack of) success but rejections doesn't hurt anymore.