This was post was prompted by a female redditor in another post who didn’t who didn’t like how casual love and sex were treated now and it got me thinking.

Particularly because of 2nd and 3rd wave feminism. I believe that 1st wave feminism was needed for the liberation of women and the 2nd wave accomplished some benefits such as abortion rights and conception

But something happened somewhere along the way didn’t it, the moment didn’t stop to consider the primal beast that it was about to unleash through the Sexual Revolution.

Previous society was just as much about regulating female sexuality just as much as it had been as controlling male promiscuity.

I’d say men and the economy were the ones who truly benefited from feminism because through the liberalization and commoditization of women’s sexuality.

Men were no longer obligated to one just one women, didn’t need to marry if she just freely put out for sex, get rejected? Easy just move on to the next.

Don’t want to get married young or have kids so soon, feel free to sow your wild oats until your ready, if you ever truly settle down. Your not really sexually free if you don’t let a man tie you up, spank you, and call him Daddy. Your not really empowered if you don’t have an Onlyfans, or a stripper or a pornstar.

Big businesses and the economy got more cheap cattle to power the wheels of the economy under the guise of independence. The porn industry really took off following the 2nd and 3rd wave.

And then predictably like all movements, it fractured.

You have different camps arguing over different stances on issues. The best part is liberal movements cannibalize their own. You have libfeminists arguing with radfems(TERFs),over whether a woman born as a man is actually woman, or is it a man wearing a wig. Libfams arguing that getting gangbanged by 6 guys in front of a camera is actually an artistic representation of female empower vs radfems that argue porn is misogynistic and a female exploitation.

FDS’er in particular seem to hate modern feminist because the modern dating world is a result of their actions decades ago which inadvertently sprung forth generations of pickmeishas and brad and kyles.