So I'm 18 and I've been in a sort of monk mode for like 3 years right now. Still in high school and can't really find any time to go out and have fun. Always been focused on lifting, studying, reading and making myself more and more intellectual and aware about reality.

As I'm already lifting and it has become an easy routine for me, I would like to add further hobbies to increase my value as a man.

So I thought about getting into business. But what is really business? Nobody really taught me anything about it and I don't even know where to start and what to read (I live in Italy and the average man is so ignorant and indifferent about his future and there are so few people interested in economy). The term "business" is really abstract for me. When I think of it I think of money. But how do I break it up into something concrete and easily understandable? I really have no idea where to start.

Any advice? Thank guys