So last week I posted on the red pill saying I had set myself some goals and want to turn my life around. I got some advice from red pillers saying I need to be more specific and I need to set out SMART goals, they cannot be ambiguous etc.

So I have revised my goals and been working at them since, this is where my goals are now, let me know what you think, whether you can see any flaws, whether I should be adding some more goals etc. I want to have a well rounded life, so there could be area's I am missing to achieve that:

I must complete my university degree before the end of 2016. Complete and pass ‘International trade and finance’ and ‘Financial information for decision making’

Go to the gym everyday and burn 300 calories on the cardio machines starting 2nd December and finishing on the 23rd december, so for the next 23 days.

Get to gold tier in league of legends solo queue on the oceanic server. I have until the end of season 2016 to complete this. This is measurable because I can measure my league I am in and my points to see if I am moving towards or away from my goals. I can create a spreadsheet where I record where I end up everyday. I think gold tier is attainable and realistic. I think something like Challenger wouldn’t be realistic, but gold is.

Close a difficult task I have at work before Christmas break.

Must complete masters in business administration through curtin university. Can be found on this site I must complete this by 01/01/2020. I will start this once I finish degree.

Own 500 shares in one of the top 4 Australian banks. I want to complete this by 01/01/2017.

Live to 100 years of age. Can be measured by how many years old I am. Is attainable and realistic because other people do it. Is time bound because the goal is based on time.

One of the main changes I did was add time restrictions to when they can be completed by. I also removed ambiguous goals such as 'get in shape', 'get rich' etc. and replaced them with goals such as own this many shares or go to the gym and burn this much per day etc.

My gym goal is easy and I am aware of that, but I am trying to ease into it, so once I have done my 3 weeks of cardio 300 calories per day to lose weight, I plan on stepping it up and making it more difficult.