So for a good 3 months now(excluding my week off) I've been going to the gym doing basically the same routine. 3 days a week, 1 on/1off with a day in there in case I gotta miss or I want a lazy sunday

Started with SL 5x5, did it for a month prior, wasn't working that well for me switched to 3x5 riptoes for a week then devised my own plan which I've been doing since for about 2 months.

It consist of the following:

warm up foam roll Stretch

Day A Deadlifts Barbell Row Bench

Day B Squats Overhead Press

Supplemental (I do these everyday at the gym) Lat pull down standing calf raise tricept pull down bicep curl

I started 3x5 with increasing weight, now I'm more focused on being able to increase reps. If I can do 10 reps easy I increase the weight the next session. I always drop set my last set of all supplemental exercises.

The above plan has worked out extremely well for me, but I have noticed that recently I'm not as sore as I was after the gym and my pump is starting to ween so I'm wondering if now is a good time to increase the number of days I'm going and switch to a more isolation type approach.

My goal are:

Lose all belly fat(I know this is more diet then working out, which I am working on as well. I do IF fasting on my off days ) Gain a V shaped torso Overall gain a body women can't help but touch.

At what point is it advisable to switch from a more compound lift focused regime to an isolation style? I've heard to never work out the same muscle group 2 days in a row, how do you keep big compound lifts in a regime where you are going 5 or so days a week?