I have a problem. I get attached...to plates.

I'm very anti-relationship. I have been for several years, and I was long before I found TRP. I absolutely do not want to get married.

But I have a capacity for really falling for a girl, when I don't want to, and it honestly scares me, because I fear it will lead me down a path I really don't want to walk down.

I don't get like this with every girl, or even the majority of girls. But about twice a year, I'll get too invested in a girl that I'm casually sleeping with. And it becomes emotional turmoil. My logical brain will do everything it can to stop me from getting into a relationship. Interestingly, it's usually during this period of attachment that I become a pick up machine - I'll sleep with a lot of girls to try to get over the oneitis.

But my emotional brain will do everything it can to suck me into a relationship, including making me jealous and obsessing over the oneitis.

The really sick thing is that I think I enjoy this bipolar turmoil. The highs of the victories and the lows of the defeats make me feel...alive.

So, I appeal to the men of TRP who know what this feels like. I want to control it and end it. Any life lessons you can pass on?