
Just a quick example of female psychology. So the wife and I are sitting on the couch enjoying some wine and watching Westworld last night. We attended a sexy Halloween party on Saturday. So anyways, we are sitting on the couch and she is on her tablet looking at Facebook, specifically the pictures she uploaded of us. As she reads the comments and takes in the "Likes" she squeals to herself, "God I love us!"

I just chuckle to myself. Gentlemen, she doesn't love me, and your lady doesn't love you, at least not like you love her. Women love how you make them feel, they love how your relationship appears to the general public, they love the relationship not the man. That is why your value to her only stretches as far as the relationship you create around her. You don't get a pass for being an uninteresting fat twat, because she doesn't unconditionally love you like Mommy. She loves what you bring (experiences, feelz, etc.), and if you don't bring it then she will look elsewhere. Hell, sometimes she will do that anyway, you never know when Chad will come a callin'.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #6 Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved.