New here? Need a little basic explanation that speaks to your emotions?


Why YOU Shut The Fuck Up and develop Frame


Women have a dual nature that needs TINGLES and COMFORT. Where men pump and dump lower quality women, women friendzone lower quality men. Especially lower quality husbands.


What this means to you, new MRP guy –


Years of you being weaksauce has given your wife permission to see you as comfort ONLY. She’s lovingly stitched every thread and constructed you into the perfect safety blanket for herself. See, she loves you, but she’s not IN love with you. You. Are. Not. Physically. Attractive.


This does not make Wife very happy because she NEEDS TINGLES too. So if you can’t fuck her right, she will fuck you. This turns wife into Shrew. Shrew LOVES to shove her big throbbing mind cock into your soft warm quivering brain, thrusting over and over until your mind is filled with drama jizz.


Did you do something nice and she shit tests you? Did you show weakness? Did you fail the shit test or comfort test? Did you get sick and started to whine? Did you go on vacation and let your guard down? Did you complain about work?


Well she perceived your mental weakness as you throwing up your skirt and showing some pussy. And she went for it. So when she is visibly happy over pissing you off, understand she just had a drama-gasm and the TINGLES were so good!


Don’t be mad she went for it. Because your Shrew knows the truth, if you didn’t love it; you wouldn’t come back for more and you wouldn’t be putting yourself in a position to be bent over the kitchen sink. I mean, what do you expect when you don’t where any panties in the skirt while you’re doing the dishes?


Now go do a walk of shame and pout on the couch. Your eyes might leak and your nose might run. Just clean up and try to do better next time.


That’s why you need to develop FRAME, your ability to reject your wife’s drama cock, and keep your fucking slut legs closed. Until then, learn to STFU because it’s basically the male version of star fishing sex. This annoys the Shrew.


To recap, just like your wife star fishing you, you STFU. Just like she says no to sex, you don’t react to her mental temper tantrums. You reject her.


WARNING – Don’t Tell her about TRP, MRP, or RPW


I had the bright blue idea to let my wife know about fight club. It didn’t scare her, she fucking loves it. God Damn it


See I didn’t get she likes fucking too. Mind fucking. I thought bringing whips and chains into the bedroom was going to be fun. The RPW sex toys said on the back of the box that my wife would always be open for sex, be more feminine and not be such a shrew. AND THEY WERE CORRECT!


Problem is they are sex toys for women to use ON MEN. Even when I’m trying to be less of a beta slut, I somehow did a whole lot of mental gymnastics so she could further fuck the shit out of my beta brain. All while we had a lot of sex too.


This made Hard Mode really fucking strange.

See, I was getting all that I wanted, but now the shit tests were more advanced. More artistic and less brutal. More influential. More Pavlov Positive! That was a huge problem because I needed to fight my codependency, remove blanket mode and figure out what I wanted out of ME.


Why read NMMNG WISNIFG and other mandatory MRP material


You are reversing your girly ways and becoming more masculine.

This hopefully reverses your wife’s manly ways and pushes her to be more feminine,

Side bar material is there to assist in your transition, mind and body, towards being a man.


TLDR – STFU is star fishing your Shrew because you’re a little drama slut that can’t say no to a big mind cock. Frame allows you to say no and reject your Shrew. This should give you the time and mental space to work on being more masculine, physically and mentally