One thing I see here often is a post where the author describes a situation where he suddenly feels that he is OI, stoic, and generally for the first time realizes that he does not give a fuck.

The general points made are that he didn't get angry, was not emotional, told his wife what was up without losing frame. All good and well... except:

They all seem to contain "My wife was being a bitch to me" - "She was yelling for no reason" - "She was taking her bad day out on me." etc. etc. All of this shit might be true... but if we zoom out a bit, this type of talk is still painting the OP as a victim, and while he might have maintained frame and he might truly not give a fuck about his wife anymore, many of these guys are still dripping with resentment.

While this stage seems to be accepted as generally "getting it," I would argue that it's still the tail end of the anger phase.

To quote the anger phase post by /u/SorcererKing:

Understand that women are not malicious for acting like women. Whether you believe that women are biologically programmed to pursue their life and sexual strategies or they are simply rational agents doing what seems logical given female identity, you have to know that most women are not consciously manipulative predators. To be mad at women for pursuing their sexual strategy is to be mad at women for being women. Their strategy is a part of their identity. In other words, behaving as they do is the very definition of feminine. Just as we do not get angry at dogs for walking on four legs and peeing on fire hydrants, we cannot be mad at women for doing what they do. It’s who they are.

I think those words right there nail it. The "50's" (just using as an accepted standard of "the patriarchy") had it right. I'm a little young, so my experience with this is all through mass media... but it seemed that, then, a girl crying would be granted the "Oh, she's a girl, they tend to do that," type treatment. Then feminism and "equality" came and fucked that all up. Now if a girl was crying or upset at all, the reason behind it was to be accepted as completely rational, no matter what it was. And here we have the start of the blue pill being washed over America.

So what am I really advocating here? Well, first I would like to say that I am not advocating removing all responsibility from women. If she runs off with Chad, don't let it make you angry, but do take the normally suggested next course of action and dump her. I am advocating removing yourself from the role of victim of her shitty behavior and implanting her as the victim of the female condition. For me at least, it's much easier to stay rational when I think of things as these emotions are happening to her. I go from being angry to almost feeling sorry. How shitty must it be to have your emotions run your day to day life?

One more reason I promote framing it like this, besides removing anger, is that it is EASY for newly unplugged guys. It is already programmed in BP men to paint someone as a victim AND it is already programmed in BP men to usually paint a WOMAN as the victim... unless it is their respective victim puke. So guys, for your own sake, let her be the victim. You're a man, you're strong, you don't need that shit.