Redditing better.

Simple, concrete concepts, tools and links to MRP like a champ.

Got a minute? This buds for you

  • Intro
  • Friends Queue, and RES
  • RemindMeBot
  • The STP, unofficial, unendorsed guide to knowing good advice when you see it, Part Deux
  • OK, I've read some of the sidebar.
  • To conclude

What small action am I selling? Efficiency.

You're a smart guy, but you're new to Reddit (or maybe the internet). You avoid TRP because you don't see the value in reading post after post of 21 year old, women ain't shit flood of daily content. You're starting to recognize usernames, and kind of getting a feel for what kind of man each one is. you're paying it forward, sharpening other iron in OWS with waht you've learned. You're also busy

Here are Simple, concrete concepts, tools and links that exist to streamline your TRP/MRP experience, filtering the noise, and maximizing the signal.

The friends queue, and RES

The Friends queue

How do? Click here Hover over the username, click the button. I've highlighted the appropriate places. New shows off new posts, comments shows their comments (the former is usually slow, the latter can draw you to some great conversations, hidden in the jungle.

Caveat. Theres a few 'odd characters', as you get used to the people, you'll cull your list where you need it to be.

The moderators of this sub do a great job working (for free) to keep the signal to noise ratio at a good level (for us). But they are only a handful of men and TRP has grown to a point that it is infested with clueless entitled boys and their shitposts.

In order to optimize my time here, I added all the all the Vanguard RedPillers, Endorsed Contributors and Modetators as friends on Reddit. Now, when I log in, instead of going to the front page, I click on that "Friends" link and read only what these wise guys have posted. By doing this I turned my "Friends" page into a high quality "front page" of selected material.

When I have more time on my hands, after reading the posts made by the seniors, I go check the comments they wrote and the OPs they commented in (for context).

This works better if you have a dedicated TRP account (as you should).

EDIT: Added RES. Had it so long, didn't realize there was anything else.Here Streamlines reddit, and you'll never go back to vanilla afterwards. Makes the friends queue actually do what I posted it does.

The RemindMe Bot

A Simple, concrete tool to track information over time

I strongly suggest liberal use of this little fucker. If someone says they are doing something, you don't have to keep 5 usernames in your head, one guys saying he'll go to the gym, another practicing shit tests etc. It messages you, with custom note, so you can deal with a conversation at a later date. in OYS, I've started using it, and it's paying off in spades. By the way, a LOT of lip service with getting to the gym, and plenty of excuses. OWS is not a place to keep writing the same shit week after week, if there's not progress, it's just your 'failure journal' at that point.

 RemindMe! 1 hour "Bodyweight isn't lifting"

The STP, unofficial, unendorsed guide to knowing good advice when you see it.

A Simple, concrete concept to keep you on track to your mission

You post in AMRP, you post in MRP. You get a bunch of comments, some hurtful, some kind, some valuable, some useless, some woefully ignorant. What do you do? First, best, and only advice you really need? Finish the Sidebar

If you know shit, you'll know the good shit from the bad.

Have you read Manipulated Man? NMMNG? WISNIFG? MMSLP? Have you gone through the rational male? mindful action plan? Book of Pook? When someone posts, is your first reaction to link a Rational Male article that explains his exact situation?


Then when someone puts a statement in front of you, you could be throwing darts at a board, hoping you hit the bullseye. You need the frame of reference. just like that 1950s housewife who gets swindled at the mechanics because he knows that her flux capacitor is faulty, and needs a 300 dollar change. You don't know shit. You don't know enough to even know what you don't know yet.

Flux capacitor? Aparently I can't go over 85 without one, better replace it fast Mr!

This is dangerous. Not only are you just implementing by guesswork, you're also most likely using your own personal bias and expectations (which got you in your shit relationship to begin with) to gauge which advice to take. You'll most likely take the worst advice, fuck your life up by implementing by guesswork, or worse yet, change nothing and spin your wheels in the sand. And then you'll go cry on extrp, tbp, relationshits, or deadbedrooms about how useless this place is. Everyone gets called a rapist for a day, you feel better, and go back to your bedroom and jerk off quickly before your wife gets home.

And it's your own damned fault, no one elses.

OK, I've read some of the sidebar.

The entire TRP sidebar, one link The MRP sidebar does what it's supposed to do, the TRP sidebar is MRP's old Testament And it does you a disservice to ignore it. Manipulated Man is the #1 recommendation I have for a guy who recently arrives. It's a call to action, makes you mad, but with a purpose. throw it on your kindle app, no more worrying about hiding the books from your wife in the jerkoff sock drawer, or cluttered links from all over the place.

Just ordered NMMNG on Amazon, But I can't wait, you must hear my unique story about how she's useless, and I'm just not loved or understood about how bad she treats me, or how great I am. Heres useless shit no one cares about that I do well, isn't a paycheck and my laundry skills alpha?

Fair enough, can't stop you. Hopefully you had the good sense to do it in AMRP, because gloves are off here, you wouldn't be the first guy to shit on whinemoreplease, UltmateCAD, or me for being an asshole, delete your account, then go back to your quiet life of desperation. Vampiresquidinas husband, I'm looking at you bro!

Simple, concrete concepts to help filter good from bad(and ignorant):
  • Does the user have applicable flair? It's not a guarantee, but it means that at least a few on here who know what they are doing have already vetted them for stupid bullshit.

  • Look through their post history. ^(Small anecdote.) Having an internet fight, like a fucking idiot, with some guy giving me the truth about alpha, dealing with women. checked submitted. First post where he's asking how to acquire a 10k real doll... I don't know if there's much more he can offer me, and I've wasted my time. A few common subreddits they submit to that let you know it's just an idiot, and you can safely disregard:

  1. Circlejerk
  2. Purple(solely here)/blue pill anything
  3. asktrp (seriously, that place is shit) I'm told it's better now. Though if it's guys only posting questions there, and not advice, it does show a guy not taking ownership
  4. anything feminine, 2xx, tumblr etc
  5. hearthstone, WOW (any gaming subreddit. I'm not talking a post or two, I'm talking majority posts here)
  • Anything that reeks of bravado, macho bullshit etc. We've all been young, and remember the guys who were too busy posturing to actually get laid.

  • Anyone who tells you something that doesn't seem uncomfortable. Seriously. When we all came here, we only knew how to be cucked into a BP relationship of desperation. If you aren't outside your comfort zone here (or if you luckily used to be a great man, but just let it slip) then you're doing it wrong.

  • Anyone who posts that any part of your problem is because of her. I don't care if she's devil incarnate, if you go back far enough into the decision tree, there is a part that you can take responsability for. She's a shit woman? Either you haven't led, aren't a good quality man who can command respect, don't have or enforce boundaries, vetted a crappy woman, or just had low standards... Everywhere in a relationship is a part where you fucked up, and it does you no favors to blame her. It shields you from what you actually have to fix. Don't be a pussy and blame the wee little girl for your shitty life. It's not her job.

  • Someone saying "next" without any reflection on your part. Next her, but if you aren't fixing you, then you're kicking the can down the road, and the next girl will do the same thing. Next is not advice, it's just ego protection

  • Shaming. Man up doesn't mean you put up with a sexless harpy because shes pregnant/depressed/fat/myopic. Find me an excuse good enough for me to put up with peoples bullshit, and I'll find you a sad little man who can't step up. She depressed? get her a shrink. If she doesn't go, just wants to wallow, that's on her. She doesn't want to get off her ass because she's pregnant? Guarantee if you got your shit together, making a pickle sandwich for herself every now and again isn't going to miscarry. Fat girl embarrassed to go to the gym? Imagine how embarrassing it is to be the single fat lady whose ex just banged a model? everyone has a tiny violin, and you aren't put on this earth to solve everyone's problems, they need to step up, just like you do. all you can do is be the shining example that gets(scares) them into doing better themselves.

  • these phrases/themes:

  1. As a woman...
  2. Because Jesus says...
  3. My moral code is above ... and so should yours

the first two should be obvious. There's plenty of christian dudes here, they figured out how to run their fucking household, I doubt Matthew 24:4 reads

Behold, the man should be cucked, as he surrenders his manliness to his wife, because she is sad, and needs a footrub.

De conclure

  • Select what you read by selecting who you read.
  • Let Reddit keep track of things so you don't have to, finish reading the damned sidebar, in both subs.
  • Too many threads with top contributors, giving top shelf advice, laying the bottom of a pity party of useless advice. It does you no favours, so be careful out there.

It's a little lengthy, but it's simple, with small concrete things you can do to make your time at TRP/MRP more effective, in less time