When I was in the Navy I had a friend who played the role of Funny Fat Guy in our group. He was the guy who emulated Peter Griffin & Homer Simpson, the guy who did the Truffle shuffle you know the type; and guess what, his Marriage was shit, his bedroom was dead, and his 4 kids looked at him as their pathetic friend.

Before one of our deployments we had a party to bring the families together before we disappeared for 8 months. During this party we were drinking and he decided to do the truffle shuffle to get a few laughs. I noticed his wife’s embarrassment as well as the sadness behind his laugh.

Fast forward to deployment; I’m coming back from an intense Kettlebell session and see this dude crying. I approach and ask what’s up. To save your eyes I’m not going to share the whole conversation..

In a nutshell, he hated his fucking life, his family, being deployed, everything.

I did what every Man should do in a situation like that. I listened to it all, processed the information, and then told him to suck it the fuck up. I then took him on as a client (little did I know this would start my passion for personal training) and began to train his body and mind.

He always said shit like I want to act like you do, I want people to respect and fear me, I want to have sex that doesn’t feel like I’m fucking a dead fish.

I told him that you don’t wait until you lose the weight to start acting like the Man you want to become. I was able to get him down 30lbs, from 0 to 13 strict pullups, and confident and assertive. He's out now and his marriage is functioning like a well oiled machine. a Machine that is driven by a Man who knows where he is going and is leading his clan to that promised land.

This brings us to the point of this post.

Gentlemen Unplugging on MRP - You do not start acting like the Family Alpha once you read all of the books, drop to at least 15% body fat, or once you reach this or that goal.

You start right now

You do this by

  • Talking less to your wife about your feelings. Treat words as currency. you earn more words through having solid thoughts; and don’t spend them all in one place.

  • Not thinking of the time you’ve lost and how you wish you had MRP/TRP 3 years ago Everybody used to be somebody, who gives a shit, be somebody now.

  • Taking action. Fix the yard, fix your wardrobe, fix your fucking self without telling her that you’re doing it. Just do it (Dread will increase, don’t acknowledge it, but recognize it)

  • Spontaneously lift her up, order for her, take her hard in or out of the bedroom. Be an interesting dude who isn't in a pattern of wake up, go to work, come home, veg, eat, veg, sleep. Marriages are not meant to be a routine set of patterns. Start a business, schedule a random trip, take off to the national park, go to a VFW and volunteer, do something every week that she doesn't see coming.

  • Don’t demand shit; a wife who is forced to take actions is not genuinely respecting you. She’ll do whatever you want if you’re worthy, because she’ll know you can and will get it elsewhere if she doesn’t provide. If you say Wife you will blow me daily you didn't earn that blowjob. Sure you got one, but is that the goal or is full improvement of self the goal? Being the guy who is pushed into the bedroom and sucked off while your wife says my vagina wants you feels fucking good.

Have you seen the fat bodied dads walking around? They all share the same disgusting personality: Funny Fat Guys, Weakness, misplaced priorities, sadness, and shit marriages.

Be the fat guy who operates like the fit guy, then you’ll become the fit guy who, through habit, is operating like a masculine Man should. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a Habit - Aristotle

TL;DR Don’t wait until you look like Brad Pitt from Fight Club to act like Brad Pitt from Fight Club