I'm going to try to cram several RP skills that helped my SO and I enjoy the best vacation in our lives together. Below is the list of activities with success directly related to RP.

TL;DR - RP/Alpha training, when used 100%, creates amazing dynamics for you personally, in the relationship and socially as seen on our vacation. Key elements: holding frame, OI, direct communication and lifting.

  • Flight & Frame - The first leg of our outbound flight was delayed, delayed, delayed again and then cancelled. (A special FU to Spirit Airlines). I've heard that Spirit sucked so I went to the airport with the attitude that they'd screw things up but I wouldn't let it ruin anything for me. I now realize that "holding frame" does not mean being emotionless, but choosing your emotion/outcome. I predetermined to have an amazing vacation, to be happy no matter what... to be a vacation oak. By expecting the worse and setting my goal on "I'm going to be happy" it was easy to deal with the issues. It almost didn't feel like work to hold frame. I responded to every stress with "No worries. We're still going to have a great time!" That's when I really appreciated how much my SO was looking to me for her attitude check. Seeing me remain calm and optimistic definitely encouraged her to do the same. It's the same way a kid will fall, bump their knee then look up to see their parents reaction to see if she should cry or not. My SO commented several times that my frame kept her sane and made all the crap ok.

  • Delegate - There were some issues we handled as a team and others we needed to split up for. I delegated clear instructions to her while telling her what I was going to do. BP me, of course, would have debated with her what we should do. Instead, I decided and delegated. She responded with swift, confident action. We rebooked another flight and got where we needed to go. Throughout the entire trip she commented at how amazed she was at our teamwork. We have firmly & overtly established a Captain & First Officer team that we both agree on.

  • Room Upgrade - For the hotel, we had booked the most modest room category there. On check in, I decided to see if we could get an upgrade. They had some space open and offered a price. Alpha me decided to haggle. They accepted my offer and we ended up with one of the best rooms in the property for a steal. BP me would have waffled on the expense and ruined it whether I had gotten it or not. RP me knows that I've earned it, I deserve a darn good vacation (by my terms) and I wanted. We enjoyed it guilt-free the whole trip. My SO commented every day there that it was the most amazing room and view she'd ever had on vacation. She couldn't believe that her Alpha man got it. Of course I always playfully avoided her questions about the cost. Why? Because I decided what to do with our money and I wanted to keep the mystery to her about how well I haggled. She loved it.

  • Lifting - I have worked hard at the gym and diet for several months to get a beach body to be proud of and it definitely paid off. She likes the muscles and the abs. She was literally giddy every time I got to walk around shirtless. That's why RP men lift. The body tingles her lady bits. She was very very pleased to see her man compared to all the others that had let themselves go.

  • AMOG - We went on one big group activity (that was awesome) it involved climbing around outside and swimming. I used this as an opportunity to push myself and soak up every minute outside. There was one part (a rope run) that I turned into a race challenge for the men and won. Watching her smile with pride was so fun. I also jumped up and made decisions for the group when we needed to. Too much group-think and lazy-tourist syndromes could have slowed us down, but (after seeing the success of other RP vacationers) I jumped up, helped to make decisions and we kept the pace.

  • Organization - RP men have a plan, a strategy and are organized. I let her plan the basics of the trip months ago when I wasn't on my game. I got all our information organized before the trip and wow'ed her by handling all the travel, transportation, checkin, tours, etc with no hassle because of the organization and my game plan. This helped me to make quick decisions, not waste time and allow both of us to relax during the whole vacation.

  • Happy Wife - Not once, but TWICE during the trip, someone made mention of the "Happy wife, happy life" BS. Both times, my SO tried to jump in and correct them. Again, it wasn't me. It was her. She has fully embraced that that line and attitude is crap. I actually had to cut her off from arguing because I knew how futile it was. She get's it. She trusts me to lead and is proud enough to fight the feminist agenda. That's a win in my book.

  • Adventure & OI - I booked an excursion for her that I knew she wanted where I would just tag along. It was an all day thing filled with different surprises. She got the heart pumping with some adventure we did together and got to experience something that few people do by herself (I didn't pay for me to go on that part). Give your SO adventure!! At home, on vacation, wherever! Make sure she occasionally get's to do things she's never done. Push her past her limits. Not every vacation can be baby sitting the kid's adventure. She absolutely loved the adventure and adrenalin. She actually came back with something I hadn't counted on. She said that she'd much rather do an adventure WITH me than for me to setup up a special one FOR her. Because of the strength of our team (aka our love), she was very clear that it was not same without me there. BP men like to do things FOR their SO. RP men do things WITH their SO (& solo of course). Also, I had no Covert Contracts about the excursions I booked or money I spent and what she "owed" me later. I stated my desires for her body without any attachment to the money spent. That took stress off of her and made me look like a star instead of a BP-whiney-chump. She determined herself that she owed me a reward.

  • Sex - Well... yeah. Plenty of amazing sex. She even proclaimed to a group girls that she had to leave their pool-side chatter early to get back to the room and sex me up. When they whined to her about it, she explained to them how happy and proud she was of me for handling the entire trip and that she was eager to head up and reward me the way that I wanted.

  • Forgiveness - There were several things she did like losing a document and forgetting something important. BP me would have used it to harass her a bit about not being mindful. My frame and OI were otherwise. We all make mistakes. She learned a few valuable lessons and it ultimately didn't cost us much. So instead of having a man that berated her, I was happily there to calm her down, let her know it's ok and assist her in fixing the problem herself. That last point is important. I did not fix the problem for her. I assisted in part of the solution that she led. She created the problem, so she needed to feel the pain of having to fix it. I know she learned important lessons and I still got compliments for my frame with her.

SUMMARY: RP skills of lifting, OI , no CC, holding frame (Choose to be happy), acting confident, etc. are for use every single day. At work, at home, on vacation. They're skills not just for you to captain your family, but to lead in any event. They work and everyone is happier for it. I can honestly say that we came back more "in love" than ever before. We have both earned more respect for the other person because we worked as a team thanks to my leadership and her acceptance.