I posted a thread a couple of days ago describing how my girlfriend ended it with me. If you want to read it( I'm not sure about linking protocol) look up "Girlfriend Just Ended it. How to respond?". Most common advice was to not respond at all. I have done that, and since Sunday, the hamster has been going crazy. Already have received two massive texts, and today I check my Facebook to find the longest message I ever have received. It was 500 words! To paraphrase, she said that I deserved "closure" and how shitty of her it was to do it through text. But she still is wanting me to succeed in life. She also went on to say that she wanted to experience different men(ride the carousel) and confirmed tons of red pill truths. Funniest thing there, was that I shouldn't completely cut her out of my life, we were best friends like a week ago..... Fuck that noise. I am already over it, and heading out tomorrow night with a cute girl I know from school. Also haven't felt this free in a while. Thanks for the advice and encouragement gentleman.