Just an observation from reading newbies the last few days. I see a common theme - newbies latch on to some of the really easy "pre-packaged" solutions quickly, don't really read the source material for them, and end up doing some really stupid and cringey things. Let's fix that, you dummies.

I have seen STFU show up a few times this way in the last couple days. Situations where you are actively thinking "OMG I MUST STFU" and you end up sounding autistic. Which leads to more questions/shit and you think "OH GOD I MUST KEEP STFU'ING" and dig even deeper. Jesus christ people don't do this. Don't try to do anything you don't at least sort of understand.

STFU does not literally mean don't fucking talk. People talk. When you try to not talk at a reasonable time for no particular reason you sound retarded.

That said - talking (well, arguing) with a woman is indeed a fucking minefield that you just generally don't want to be in. My ex LOVED to argue. She was a mean mick who liked to drink and fight and was always looking for a chance to fucking unload. She knew which buttons to push like I came with an instruction manual. Now - aside from her problems - which were goddamn numerous - I never made any situation better by getting into a screaming match. I never once in my life have had that kind of throwdown and felt like I won, or felt like I was better off than when I started. The only way to win is to not play. If you lose your shit, or are about to lose your shit: yes, that is the right time to completely STFU, GTFO, and chill the fuck out. It's perfectly okay to say "I'm not having this one, I'll be back later." But I digress.


If you're not entering a throwdown, STFU means say as little as it is necessary to say, according to you. I'm going to pick on u/heavensbug because I was going to write a big reply, but thought it might be a better discussion topic on its own.

Here's this morning's example:

"I feel that you're not happy with me". I give her the blank stare for a few seconds and then say "Ok."

...c'mon, guy. That's not how you talk is it? I kind of hope this wasn't as awkward as it sounded.

Now I know I'm Monday morning quarterbacking this a bit - it's what you signed up for - but as written, this sounds weird and fucking awkward. It is not a natural way any person would answer this question. Like your internal monologue screaming "THE MANUAL SAYS I MUST SAY NOTHING" and out of desperation coming up with "Ok" to break the silence.

Now it is definitely a test. But if you panic and derp out "Ok" to someone you sound retarded, I'm sorry. You're overthinking it. u/2ndal really said most of what needed to be said here, but I'll expand a bit for shits. https://www.reddit.com/r/askMRP/comments/8f2ups/questions_from_a_newbie_shit_test_or_something/dy04j3w

To show you how easy it really is...here's are some better answers than "Ok." *fucking awkward silence*

Her: "I feel that you're not happy with me, right now." (remember? Feels exist in the moment, they can change easily...this issue might not exist 1,3 hours from now)

Some responses...

"There are some things I'd like to improve. Let's talk about it later."

Probably not fucking smart to say this, she probably already knows why you're not happy and you're going to want to bitch and DEER, but, if you haven't been yet - here's your chance to be fucking clear about your expectations. Make it quick. Be chill and say your piece and then STFU about it, on your time.


"I'm not right now, but don't worry about it."

Let that hamster spin. She'll worry about it, which she should. Fuck off and go do something useful.


"It's fine babe." *smacks ass/wink/dismissive kiss* goes and lifts, fixes something, unfucks some situation, evac from this area

If she fucks you later, cool. She solved the problem on her own, didn't need to talk about shit. If not - well, you're lifting and doing useful things, right?

I would say the above are all pretty good examples of basic shutting the fuck up. If you have the frame, of course, this is just such an easy opportunity to tease her. It's an empty netter. But learn how to hold a stick first.


For me, shutting the fuck up is really for setting your boundaries and expectations. It's for avoiding stupid fights over nothing, or making shit crystal clear.

My wife is a shit testing machine, and she loves to be teased back. When you are doing it right it is so goddamn fun. But when it comes time to resolve a true conflict - I know I'm easy to anger, so I still lean on shutting the fuck up. State your position - entertain reasonable discussion and fucking conclude. You're the Captain, what you say goes. Don't let shit spiral around and around infinitely. And even if you're in an active mutiny situation - most of you are - what you say still goes for you. STFU means saying "this is what I am going to do" and that is that. Time to read WISNIFG and NMMNG.

STFU isn't your opportunity to punish your wife. Giving curt one word answers makes you sound like a little bitch with hurt feelings - because you are. That's how you sound. My .02.

Say less, be clear. Quit overthinking shit. What you are doing with yourself (especially early on) is much more valuable than what you say, so that should be your focus.

PS ...this doesn't mean talk about your fucking problems. STFU about that, it's gay to whine.