My relationship has without a doubt improved the most after I started watching my tone and speech when talking to my fiance compared to other improvements I have made.

You can change so much just by cultivating a polite and pleasant tone when talking and by not raising your voice when emotions take hold. He's less likely to get annoyed and actually listens to your concerns.

The same goes for nagging and complaining, it's hard but by just stopping to nag about things and trying to make him aware you are bothered in a more passive way he feels compelled to do it because he cares more about you and your feelings whenever he's not annoyed.

The one thing I learned is that there are things you simply don't need to mention at all if it only takes a small effort to fix it yourself.

Of course it's not always easy but that's the one aspect we should try to work on the most in our relationships. Because it's often what male partners are bothered by the most.

What's your best tactic for keeping quiet when you should or refrain from nagging and complaining?