Hey guys,

your participation is welcome on this sub, especially in helping us reinforce to women that what we say about how men think or feel is really true. this isn't a feminist sub, we love men and value your contributions, but we arent the BEST help for your PROBLEMS. we are best at helping women not be bitches anymore lol

That being said...

there's been an increasing number of men asking for our advice when they should be asking TRP.

women are exceptionially unable to advise men on how to deal with their women, even redpill women, they tend to err on the side of the women's feelings and even inadvertently slip into rooting for Team Woman. they get bogged down in the details and lose sight of the big picture. then the non-redpill advice from women starts piling in and since its "nicer" than the redpill advice, it validates the guy asking the question and he goes along his merry way continuing to do the wrong thing but feeling better about it

you need to talk to MEN, men will give you harsh truths and not coddle any bullshit from you. just the fact that you ask us shows you value the opinions and feelings of women too much which is likely the cause of a lot of your problems in your relationship from the outset

i'm not saying we are banning male questions, i'm saying...before you post your question ask yourself "am i posting this here in the hopes ill hear easier, nicer advice that doesn't mean i have to do hard things and not hurt my wife's feelers?"