Hello ladies, not here with a relationship question but a personal one.

Since I was a preteen I have loved gossip. Over time I grew out of gossiping about people I know and to internet gossip. I've been on forums talking shit about people since I was 15 and while I do post occasionally it's nothing nasty, just quips and facts or complaining. I'm not some awful troll egging stuff on or anything. I frequent three "e-celeb" forums and a celebrity gossip site, as well as many subreddits such as the relationships or JUSTNOMIL ones. I really love reading these in my free time and I love the drama that I get out of them because my real life is entirely drama-free.

That being said, what do you ladies think about it? How do you stop? I want to reduce negativity in my life but I just love relaxing with a glass of wine and a fresh front page of JUSTNOMIL! I have other hobbies of course and I get everything done that needs to be done, so it doesn't interfere with my life, but I'm worried it's too negative.

Do you all read gossip & drama? Is it inherently bad to read?