To get my whiny bitch excuse out of the way: I fucked up my back at work and have had somewhat problematic electrical pain in my lower trap- I was holding off on the gym the whole summer as I tried to get rest/see the doctor etc. But I don't think they helped me at all and I want to start lifting safely to see if gradual strength training and religious stretching is what I need.

The thing is, I'm 21, pretty damn skinny at 142 6'2", and transferring to a new school. I need to rid myself of acne scars and put on weight as fast as possible. I know I'm not ugly, but these aspects of my appearance are not only holding me back from an objective standpoint, but from a subjective standpoint as it can be difficult to maintain confidence.

My question is what do you guys recommend I do? I should state first and foremost that my school is already my number 1 priority. This shit is way too expensive and my parents are way too supportive to fuck this up over pussy. But I plan on being 10 lbs heavier by 2015 with a handle on my complexion and I need to lay the social groundwork for my anticipated success to get it's due traction.

Having experienced the deciding first weeks of college before at my previous school, I feel that people will be divided by who's fucking and who isn't pretty early. How do I maneuver this social dynamic while I'm not at my best? Do I just say fuck it, work on my SMV, and let the bitches come later? I know that's often the go to advice here, but I feel that this situation of starting as a transfer creates a pretty unique situation where making friends and social connections is imperative at this point regardless of how well I'm going to attract girls.

Could really use some guidance, thanks guys.