My boyfriend and I have been dating a little over a year now, and I've been consciously making an effort to be the best first mate to my captain. I accidentally called him 'the captain' once and made him chuckled because he's a navy vet. Today we were talking and I was worrying about finances as I still have a bunch of student loans and he is 12 years my senior and well established in his career. Then he drops a bomb on me while we were texting (yay LDRs) , "Mau5, you don't ever need to worry about anything. I will take care of you. If you're sick, I'll be there for you. If you're anxious, let me help calm your worries. I am here and I'm not going anywhere."

I just about turned into a puddle. I just wanted to thank everyone here at r/redpillwives for helping me navigate being in a relationship with a great guy and amazing captain. I never knew that a relationship could be so filled with love and joy. :)

Have you had moments like this that make your heart swell?

Edit: on mobile. Fixed formatting