A core aspect of female sexual strategy is maximising your appearance. Looking as attractive as possible distinguishes you from others; it also increases both the amount and quality of men who are interested in you. Makeup can play a major role in enhancing your best features and minimising flaws, but many tutorials, blog posts, or other resources advocate techniques and mentalities that are counterproductive to an RPW’s goals.

The purpose of this two-part series is to explain some crucial factors of female attractiveness and give you the tools to achieve the ideal makeup look. You’ll be able to evaluate images, videos, and advice with a more critical eye. And you’ll know what to apply to yourself, and what to ignore.

Components of Feminine Beauty

The right proportions and ratios are essential to an attractive female face. Not only should features be a certain size and shape, they have to be in the right position relative to all other features. What are the elements that make up an aesthetically pleasing face?

  • Symmetry - Both sides of the face should look as even as possible. Everyone is naturally asymmetrical of course, but makeup can create the illusion of perfect symmetry.

  • Average-ness - If you take all of the faces of women in an area and combine them, that face will be more attractive than many of the individual faces that went into creating the composite image. It is optimal for a woman’s face to be closer to “average” in this sense. And, the less the majority of her features deviate from the norm, the more attractive and striking an out of place feature will be.

  • Femininity - Feminine bone structure and facial features vary so completely in comparison to male faces. Here is an amazing, in depth post about the subject.. Please read it if you haven’t already!

  • Neoteny - You may have heard this term if you’ve read any RP blogs for a while. It refers to the retention of childlike traits in adults. It is believed that these youthful features in women help inspire resource investment, protection, and nurturing instincts in men. Some examples of what this may look like: short and wide face (usually heart shaped or round), large eyes, wide set eyes, small and rounded nose, smooth, and bright skin, small chin, and large cheeks.

  • Sexual Maturity - This category includes both signs of ovulation, and general signs of aging as well. Some examples: Longer face (usually oval or square), elongated/almond shaped eyes, a longer, straight nose, darker features, blushing skin, defined cheek bones, and plump lips.

The Importance Of Balance

Finding the right combination of traits is key. If you look too neotenous, you’ll appear childlike. Obviously this won’t inspire arousal in men, and it can look unsettling if you mix a childish face with a super sexual figure and/or outfit. You also have to be careful not to go too far in the other direction. Raw sexuality (NSFW) arouses men but does not inspire any love or protective instincts, and most of the modern guides to looking sexy lead to drag queen like results. A lot of the changes that women undergo as they age make their faces more masculine. So if you emphasize sexual maturity poorly with makeup, you are reducing your femininity at the same time.

Here are some albums I created to demonstrate the concepts. In this one, you can see examples of women who are feminine but more neotenous. Here are a few women who have “sexier” facial features. Finally, this album shows women who have a blend of femininity, neoteny, and sexual maturity.

A regular PPD contributor and IRC participant /u/lonny_zone submitted a cool post that discussed similar components of beauty and how they contribute to overall SMV. His chart underscores that the most attractive women have found the right balance. I agree with his ideas and hope we can include them in our discussion of this post :)

My personal theory: to get the most out of your appearance you should strive for feminine bone structure, neotenous eye shape, and plump lips, and choose between neotenous and mature characteristics for the rest of your face based on your individual appearance.

The upcoming companion post will show you how to apply all of these ideas to your own makeup look. I was originally going to submit everything as one post but it was too long! It’s for the best, now we can explore these ideas and have a more focused conversation. Thanks for reading, feel free to share links to other women who exemplify any of the ideas above!