Not sure if this is super on-topic but the mentality reminded me of RP. He was born in the 30's and was married to my grandmother for a bit over 50 years. Her life and support of my grandfather taught me what I should really be looking for in a woman, and I thought you guys might be interested in this poem about her.

What is a woman?

She is a baby supplier.

She is a diaper dryer.

She is a bank exec.

She is a hug around the neck.


She is a carpooler.

She is a real no-fooler.

She is a tear dryer

She is a love supplier


She is a doctor's aide

She is a housewhole maid

She is a seamstress supreme

She is every man's dream


She is a PTA mother

She is like no other

She is a painter and cook

She is a nursery rhyme book


She is a no sleep gal

She is her children's pal

She is a good neighbor next door

She is a player on the floor


She is a grower of things

She is her children's wings

She is a baseball mom on first

She is a quencher of thirst


She is a blower of noses

She is a grower of roses

She is a waxer of floors

She is a closer of doors


She is a tucker in at night

She is a mom at day light

She is a flat tire changer

She is a furniture arranger


She is a bandage applier

She is a grocery supplier

She is a bookkeeper each day

She is a worrier while away


She is a joy to behold

She is a little pot of gold

She is a bundle of life

She is my wife