I like bargirls, some of them are the most honest girls I know. I hate assholes who abuse bargirls, put them down or call them whores. At some level we all are whores.

A good bargirl is better then any psychiatrist. One of my favorite bargirls no matter how angry I was, could always turn my mood around in under an hour. She is an honest girl, one time I jokingly told her I loved her, she said never say that. I am am a working girl. So I said I smacked her ass and told her I would only love her inside the bar :-)

Edit: Wonder why USA and most western countries are going downhill. Look at the comments on this this thread. USA has to recruit foreigners to serve within their own military with promises of a citizenship, because their own people are unwilling to serve.

Wonder why USA and other western countries need tons of immigrants. Because for the most aprt their own citizens are weak and stupid.

Unlike most Americans, I can look after myself. All the things I got I paid for myself, with no government help. I have a business which I setup and run myself. Most big American companies lose money in Asia because they are weak and stupid.
