That was what our Vice President said today, men. Take notice. Your wife/gf/plate can literally beat the living shit out of you, legally, and if you retaliate, restrain, or otherwise combat her combative behavior, you are FUCKING WRONG, sir. Because vagina. If a 240lb man beats the living shit out of a 150lb male, it doesn't even make the news. But remove the penis and replace it with a vagina, and it's a national story.

I know there will be plenty in the comments about how this isn't a RP issue, but I'm fucking telling you, IT IS. Women have been priding themselves for the last 40 years about how they are no different than men, how they can act like men, behave like men, but when men treat them like men, it's circle the female bandwagon with the "she's just a girl" bullshit.

And now, it's reached Washington, D.C. level, Vice Presidential approval.