Many women suffer from postpartum depression. I have seen 2 or 3 of such cases. One case was severe, the women went total ape-shit after delivering her baby. The symptoms were like: 1. Mood disorder, like her mood was so unpredictable that people used to get scared of interacting with her 2. Talking to herself 3. Getting into constant fight with her partner and in front of everyone, in public etc. I am sure she had more problems that I don't know of.

Interestingly, in all cases that I have seen, the partners (male) were quite short and not conventionally attractive. In the third case, the husband is barely 5 foot tall (but is decently rich). I have a hypothesis that it has something to do with the attractiveness of the male. Bearing a child of a genetically inferior male is basically a reproductive failure. All animals prefer a strong and attractive male to mate, I guess I don't have to elaborate this biological fact.

My hypothesis is, if a woman is forced to mate with an unattractive, short, weak (i.e. genetically inferior) male (because of different societal and economic situations/pressure), then the female is more prone to suffer from postpartum depression. I was wondering if there is any study on this.