First and foremost, I want to say I've made exponential progress thanks to this subreddit. I'm back in the gym, learning a new language, and taking back control of my life. With that being said, I've hit a roadblock that I have no idea how to pass.

To make a long story short, I crave female validation and my frame is directly tied to it. A week after I delete my datings apps, I begin to lose self esteem/confidence and start second guessing myself. After a week and a half of this, I crumble and download the apps again. I don't even care about meeting the women, but seeing "it's a match" gives me a rush and I'm able to get my self-esteem back.

This is where I need help. I'm aware of the issue, but I don't know how to fix it. The way I feel is very similar to taking the training wheels off for the first time and not being comfortable in myself to find my balance.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!