
The year is bumfuck BC. Night is falling. The women are sitting around the camp, braiding baskets or some shit, and gossiping. The men come back with a fucking mammoth in tow. They feast. They dance. What happens next?

If you thought "they split into couples, go to their individual cave holes, and have monogamous heterosexual missionary sex" you are fucking nuts.

Human sexuality

Sex for humans is- evolutionarily speaking- an outlier. Men are not entirely sure when women are fertile, and so we have sex constantly. Sex is not only reproductive- it reinforces pair bonding and encourages the male to continue to provide for the female.

Men are thus protective of physical access to the female, so that he can be certain her children are his. Females are jealous of emotional access, so they can continue to be provided for.

As a result humans do not have a breeding season. Men are continuously horny and will fuck anything all the time. Angry? Fuck. Happy? Fuck. Sad? Fuck. Women are no different; they are just more sly about it.

Social sex

Humans are also social animals, and crave social affirmation. The most primal expression of this is naturally in sex. We want to be sexually desired, and we want to fuck those we desire.

We also want to fuck those others desire. This is pre-selection again. There is always sexual tension between you and your girl's siblings, roommates, and friends, because she has pre-selected you.

When a group gets together, sex is the natural outcome. Constant lust plus social lubricant means that sex happens, and a lot of it. No surprise that bonobos, chimps, and humans are extremely sexual animals and all are promiscuous.

The darker side of this is obvious. War rape, gang rape, and wife abduction have always been part of human society. Sex is used to intimidate, as a weapon, even as an act of bonding.

Every girl's inner slut

There's an old joke. A nun is walking home late at night when a man jumps her and rapes her. He says, "what are you gonna tell them back at the convent now?" She replies, "I'll say I was attacked by a man and raped twice, unless you're tired."

So far we've been looking at violent examples. On the consensual side of things there are gangbangs. Orgies. Sex parties. Sex clubs. Harems. Even strip clubs might be considered a form of group sexuality.

As men are naturally the more jealous of physical access to sex, these could not exist without the consent of women.

Let me be clearer: they enjoy it. Women enjoy being fucked by many men. That is one way they self-affirm their desirability and value.


Group sex is a part of human sexuality that has been obscured by other aspects of social life, most notably marriage. Yes, marriage in the modern age benefits the woman disproportionately. But in the past, it would serve to socially enforce a lower-ranked male's access to a female.

It is still part of the human psyche. Girls still go out to party, get groped by boys, and fucked by them. That feeling- of belonging to a group oozing raw sexuality- is addictive.

The dissonance comes in two places- with the urge to lock down the alpha, and with modern-day expectations. Guys literally get lucky all the time. They shag a girl at the right place and right time and her hamster desperately tries to justify why he's the one she should stick with.

Other times, she will fuck and fuck and fuck, and throw away so many boys in the search of Chad.


Where are you and your girls in the scheme of things? One day, you will be not enough for her. Be ready to walk away. Don't become emotionally- or legally- invested.