TL DR : If you're able to read this, here's news for you, you don't have even 30,000 days left. That's just 2500 months. Don't waste 'em.

Look at that graph. As a man, you're most likely to die by the age of 86. Let's go nature's way and assume you hit puberty by the age of 12-13 (which is when nature expected you to start manning up, till then we can forgive you for being dependent). Do the math and you've got just 27,028 days remaining, including leap years, give and take a few. That's just 2252 months.

When I change my unit of time for a life lived from years to days, it totally changes my perspective.

When you see how quickly a day flies, you'll respect how small this number is. Days fly, and then it's Sunday again. Then it's the first of the month. Wait, didn't we just celebrate my birthday last year? Oh yeah...

And you WILL find your days and weeks absolutely blasting by when you're binging in pleasure addictions - the internet, porn, masturbation, video games, unproductive time, busy for just filling time. Before long, it's already midnight, and there's a tiny little voice in your head that asks you, "So what all DID you achieve today?"....

One minute is an eternity in the world of racing - 1 sec is huge - because they respect the clock like no one else on earth.

I'm turning 30 in a year and a half, and in a way it means where I stand, over a third of my life is gone - not one second, one minute, one hour, one millisecond of that is gonna come back.

Every minute you spent on unproductive shit that felt pleasurable but made you depressed at the end of the day because you look back and realize you didn't make a damn piece of progress? Not one second is gonna come back. You'll never be 18 and feel immortal again. I think back to vacation days in college where after the exams, I'd binge watch shows and realize it was 2 a.m., go to bed, get no good sleep, spend the next day at half strength -- well, it's been 10 goddamn years since then. 3652 days, 88000 hours.

If the 10,000 hour rule was correct, and I only spent half of my 24 hours working and sleeping 8 hours a day, I could have mastered 4 different domains by now since my 18th birthday and almost half way through a 5th. But did I?

That depression is your inner soul trying to warn you to evolve. Our brains evolved to treat pleasure like white sugar (it's very scarce). Even an 80:20 split of your time assuming you're awake for 16-17 hours means over 3 hours of pleasure - TV, internet, porn, games, wasted gossip - daily. The amount of pleasure we're bombarded with daily is way too much for our minds these days. It's made our brains obese and sick, just like our bodies. Pleasure is sweet poison.

Wanna lift, spend time with your loved ones, read, improve your SMV, game girls, raise kids, make money, create opportunities for yourself, do yoga, build an empire, whatever? Quit pleasure. Get productive. Get out of the internet and those smartphone apps - they're making us autistic. I am sorry to say that when I look back, I was most productive only in the gym where no BS was entertained - they do not allow phones inside for a reason. But Pain and hard work felt so good when you were done and the results were there to show.

Say I only saved Sunday for enjoyment - even if I worked my ass off rest of the week and was 100% productive for all the 16-17 hours I was awake, that's still an 85:15 split between productivity and pleasure. In reality, no one's 100% productive all the time, not even 75% of the time.

Why? Because we've got finite energy - physical (the body), mental (the mind), emotional (the heart), spiritual (the motivation, the why). If we need to manage our time well, we must manage these energies better. The absolute best thing one can do for one's happiness, is to keep one's energies high.

Pleasure ain't the purpose of life - we've got 1000x more pleasures than any of our ancestors ever did - my grandparents didn't see electricity until 1950. And with all these pleasures, I can't smile like my 1 year old niece who has no idea how to binge on netflix or Youtube.

Look at kids, naturally confident, don't know what failure is yet, and happier than adults who've got more pleasure than at any point in history. Happiness is already within.

Then the purpose of a man's life is simply - becoming the best version of himself.

I realized this when the world labelled me 'low value' for the first time in my life, when I lost attraction and got divorced - the shit hit me like a freight train at 100 mph when people with less than a quarter my ability mocked the old beta me as not 'half a man' - and I wasn't even a slacker. But somewhere along the way, the pleasures of the world tempted me, and while I did make progress, I became unproductive enough that when I look at the guy in the mirror, I see the chasm between what he could really do and where he ended up.

If you really wanna be happy in life, you need to feel proud of the guy in the mirror. I don't recall who said that Life's biggest regret is to look back, and see it wasted - but I felt it. I look back today, I'm not at all happy. And I wasn't even that unsuccessful compared to a lot of people, but still I was a laughing stock.

Yeah, I believe in karma that I'll have to answer for and your next life - now I'm not debating if this is true or not. But there's a reason for that. It keeps me grounded. 10 years ago, when I told myself I live only once, it made me a hedonist, doing low value stuff and binging on addictions (especially the internet). Well, beta me learned a very harsh lesson down the road on what respect means to a man - the universe rubbed it in my face in a way I'll never forget. My spirituality was fucked up - fixing it was the best and first thing I needed to do for myself.

I told myself that if I kept going down this route, I ain't getting this opportunity next time, not even in this life. I've got to earn my future, whether this life, or the next. Beliefs are our programming, whether they're true or not, our beliefs dictate everything we do.

At 28, I'm not nearly old, and yet I have only 21000 days before I will most likely be dead (if modern lifestyle hasn't killed me sooner). If I don't quit low value activities that don't make me better than yesterday, there's no chance I'll have this energy when I'm 70 and still have 16 more years to go.

I don't have a minute to lose, never did. Or a calorie to waste. Neither does anyone else.