Guy orbits the girl for five years and then goes on this show to ask her out. I don't have to tell you how she answers, but this is cringey omega gold. Whether it's staged or not, a lot of her statements and his ring true about being the star and being in the orbit.

The whole video is about 7 minutes long.

Youtube link: [2]

Some great moments -

3:00 - she says - "If I had a dollar for every time someone said they wanted to spend forever with me, I could put a down payment on a house"

Classic bragplain.

3:10 - He says; "Samantha talking about the other guys it doesn't - it's not really affecting me. I mean, it hits me when it happens, but then I realize, they're not doing this right now."

No, they fucked her yesterday.

5:25 - she says - "We could still be really good friends, he'll just have to keep his feeling in check."

She wants his orbit! This is no surprise.