It should be common sense, but apparently it's not. If for some strange reason you don't know, TRP is sort of hated by a good 60% of Reddit's mass amounts of social retards known as White Knights and Social Justice Warriors. This means you are a target to a degree.

The thing is, if you use your main handle, you will be open to being harassed outside of this sub. It's not common, but it does happen. And if you become a little more involved you will increase your chances of becoming a target for doxxing.

Some of you may think, "Fuck it, I don't give a shit... It's just a bunch of dumb fucks I care little about..." Well, I agree to an extent, but these dumb fucks are also unemployed, delusional, and jerk off to fucking people over that don't agree with them. Take for instance the good 3 people who have been fired so far simply for being in support of anti-SJW movement, #gamergate.

So while right now you may not be a target, sometime in the future you may say the right thing to the wrong person who finds out you are on TRP. And to the SJW types, ruining the reputation and life of an opponent gains them a ton of that sweet sticky attention that they lack in their actual lives.

Don't think it will happen to you? It's happened to me on my main account after I only posted a few replies here and there way back in the day. Someone was able to go back literally 2 years into my main accounts history to find that posting that I swore I had already deleted (I have no idea if I did or didn't because fuck going back that far). This handle was loosely and strongly tied to other similar handles which was enough for them to try and make a stink about it. Luckily nothing came of it, but that's not always the case. Because as you may know, SJWs have ruined many, many, many, lives for fun. So please, don't let it happen to you.

If you don't have it already, get RES which allows for easy account switching. On mobile, just pay the dollar and get a pro version of Alien Blue which also has easy account switching. And on Android, get an iPhone because that shit looks ugly.